Our encounter

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"U-Umm.. Excuse me? I was appointed to get a physical check up.. " Zen said as he looked around, not knowing where he could go.

"Ah! You must be Zen, Zen Lee?" A voice from a distance came, a lady in pink uniform came up to him.

Zen nods and the nurse took him to his appointed doctor, 'Check-up room' it read. The nurse opened it and wind came bustling, Zen quickly closed his eyes due to dust and slowly opened it..

"Ah.. Sorry, I let the windows open, are you guys okay?" A soft settling voice with a lower tone was heard

Zen opened his eyes and saw a blonde man, he had the most shining Azure eyes and was smiling. He seemed like an angel with the light in his back, A dusted room quickly became into heaven because of the sight of him.

"Oh, nurse May! Is this my patient? The one that you said never went to a check up before?" The sudden recognition from him made Zen startled.

"O-oh! Yes.. I am- I'm- my name is Zen! Zen Lee.. "

Zen was stuttering a lot due to his shyness, and the doctor paid no mind to it.

"So.. You came here for a physical check up, right? My name is Doctor Kevin Quince, nice to meet you." He put his hand out, welcoming Zen.

Zen took it and was screaming inside, his stomach had butterflies all over, flying for this man that was his doctor!

The check up started soon, Zen didn't know what to do since it was his first time and Kevin led him through it patiently and thoroughly.

"Here, put these on. They track your blood pressure." Kevin smiled gently and made sure Zen felt calm.

It was all the normal things that doctors needed to do for you to have a check up, but Zen was completely flushed. Never have felt this way for any men or women.

"Is it done..? I'm sorry! I didn't mean it in a rude way.. " Zen was shaking his hands to indicate that it wasn't what he meant and the doctor simply laughed at that

"This is the last part.. Please rest over here and open wide"

Zen obeyed and got on there, opening wide and Kevin checked his mouth for any signs of viruses or a cavity. Using a tool and moving the shorter boy's tongue around.

Kevin smiled and led him through it, getting so close that they were one inch from kissing.. Zen blushed at the thought of that and tried not to think of that while looking at Kevin, Kevin had short blonde hair, and gorgeous blue eyes, even though his mouth couldn't be seen by his mask, Zen desperately wanted to see his full face, oh how bad he wanted it..

The exam was done and Kevin gently patted him on the back for not getting scared of going to a doctor alone.

"Come back soon, alright? I need to do a little bit more on you.. " He smiled and gave him a lollipop as a reward..

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