Harry's face falls into a frown as he looks at him with a look of sadness and confusion. "Why would you ever be jealous of me? You're a Malfoy, you're a pure blood wizard," Harry says, listing off reasons why Draco shouldn't be jealous. To Harry, pure blood means nothing, but he knows it's important to Draco.

"Why wouldn't I be jealous?" He scoffs. "You have everything here, you're the chosen one. What am I? Some snobby kid with daddy issues," he admits angrily. Harry's heart breaks, he didn't realize any of this, he always thought Draco was just a huge dick for no reason.

Which makes him ask himself, why do I care?

"When people look at you and I, they see different people. You're a saviour, people worship you here Harry," Draco feels his chest tighten.

"You're good looking, you can date whoever you want and for Merlin's sake Harry! You beat the dark lord when you were a baby!" Draco starts raising his voice as he remembers why Harry is better than him.

Growing up he felt as if he had to compete with Harry, because if nobody was going to know him for being a Malfoy, they needed to know him for other things. Draco now realizes how selfish and cruel it was to think that way, but the damage has already been done.

"Love you, hate you, it's all the same thing," his voice breaks and his icy eyes well up with tears. His eyes gloss over, bringing out the bluish grey even more; he looks beautiful. Malfoy looks away from Harry and turns towards the door to his class.

"You and I are supposed to be enemies, that's how these things work," he nearly whispers. Draco walks up to the door and places a hand on the doorknob.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have a class to attend," without another word, Draco opens the door and returns to his class, leaving Harry alone in the hall.

The Gryffindor stands there, shocked. Draco's only ever wanted what he has, so it's clear why he's backing off. He doesn't want to be known as some annoying, selfish git, he just wants to be loved. He wants to praised, he wants to be the boy that lived.

"Oh Malfoy," he breathes out.


Harry started seeing even less of Draco now, he checked a few of his classes but there was no sign of the Slytherin anywhere. He even started asking around, just to hear that nobody else knows. He clearly wasn't suspended or expelled because somebody would have known something.

Witches and wizards walk the halls as they make their way to classes and Harry catches sight of Blaise and Pansy walking side by side, talking. Harry curses under his breath, not wanting to talk to them of all Slytherin's, but they'll know something about Draco, they have too.

"Parkinson, Zabini!" Harry calls out in the halls, causing the two of their heads to snap around. As soon as they lay eyes on Potter they glare angrily at him.

"What do you want Potter?" Pansy sneers. She's definitely not fond of the way Harry has been treating Draco lately.

"Have you two seen Draco? I need to talk to him," he asks desperately. Blaise and Pansy look at each other before back to him.

"Why would we tell you shit?" Blaise snaps at him and stands up straighter, in an attempt to intimidate the Gryffindor. Harry being Harry, doesn't care. Malfoy's always walked towards him and toward over, this is nothing new. He's dealt with much scarier things than that.

"Please? I really need to talk to him," he repeats with more eagerness. If anybody were to know where Draco is, it'll be them.

"He's hiding out in his dorm room," Pansy answers for him. Blaise gasps and gently hits her on the shoulder.

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