Chapter Twelve

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I squeezed my eyes closed tighter, the pounding in my head made my eyes water. Did I take too much white moon? Slowly I opened up my eyes taking in my surroundings, the room was bare, cement floor and walls.

Where was I?

I tried to move but I couldn't, I was in a standing position with something tightly wrapped around my waist holding me to something cold pressed again my back. My wrist and ankles wrapped in chains that connected to poles that had little pegs by my feet on the side of me. The poles were connected to a steel strip the ran across the floor that looked like it adjusted to push the bars in or out more. There were also steep strips the came from the ceiling down to the floor connecting to the one on the floorl

What the hell?

I tried struggling to get free but I could bare move at all. My arms and legs were stretched so far it hurt.

Then my breath caught in my throat as the memory of everything that happened.

Most people would be screaming about now, begging for help or yelling for someone to come in but I always thought that was stupid. Why would you want to draw attention to yourself, to let your captors know you are awake when nine times out of ten they brought you here to kill you. Plus who would be stupid enough to bring you anywhere near someone who could help you?

I looked down at myself to make sure I wasn't naked and let out a sigh of relief when I seen a baggy men's shirt and boxers covering my body. I pulled at my arms and leg causing more pain as I struggled to get free. The leather looking band around me squished into my stomach putting pressure on my ribs as it held me up. I inched my feet up on the peg and clenched my feet as the little spikes on it sank into my feet. It hurt like a bitch but I couldn't be supported by the band much longer without breaking some ribs.

I stopped breathing for a second so I could listen for anything but all I was met with was silence. Taking a deep breath I stiffened immediately at the scent that hit my nose.

"Mother fucker!" I hissed quietly.

That bastard! I should have known he would do something like this! I swear when I get free he's a dead man. True mate or not, he's going to wish he never met me.

I bent my head down to smell the shirt I had on, yep, it's his. "Oh Damon, Damon, Damon, you're going to regret this dearly." I laughed quietly.

I hissed in pain when I put more weight on my feet making the spikes stab deeper into my feet. I had to find a way to get free but all I was coming up with was a blank. I could barely even struggle against the chains without ripping my arms off.

My ears perked when I heard footsteps then a lock being clicked open. Whoever it was came into the room closing the door behind them. His head was down as he walked further into the room, blond curls bouncing with each step.

"Who the hell are you?" I growled.

He stopped and raised his head slowly until his hazel eyes locker with mine. He had to be about nineteen or twenty. I had seen him before, that I was sure of. "You're awake." He said quietly.

I snorted "What gave it away?"

He didn't say anything, just stood there watching me with pity and sorrow in his eyes.

I took a good look at him, I know I had seen him. He was obviously in Damon's pack so it had to be at a party or something. Then his name came to me "Ricky." I smiled, my voice sickly sweet.

I watched as his eyes widened "You know me?" He asked softly, the scent of fear coming off him in waves.

"So it seems. So tell me, what is Damon planning to do? Torture me?" I raised my eyebrows.

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