Chapter Eleven

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I stared at the bite on Derek's neck, my failed claim. That mark would stay there until he found his mate and she set her claim over mine. Every time I see him I would see my failed attempt at happiness, at love.

My arms and legs went limp, falling from him. He tightened his arms around me so I didn't fall to the ground. "Charlotte, it's alright." He whispered.

I shook my head "Put me down, please."

He did but grabbed my face gently, wiping my tears away with his thumb "It will be alright."

I pulled away from him "It will for you, you have a mate out there that will love you. I don't, I'll be alone my whole life."

"No you wont. You will find someone else, it just takes time." He said softly.

Anger boiled through my blood. Why couldn't I have him? Why did I get a mate that didn't want me and then when I find someone I could be happy with I can't have him either!?

"No Derek, I won't. I wont get my hopes up like that again."

A life full of loneliness, that's what I have waiting for me. Why did I have to live through the rejection? Why couldn't I have just died? I go through a week of agonizing torture just to be alone.

The anger burned through me, filling me and I couldn't take it anymore. I turned and threw my fist at the brick building as hard as I could. My fist crushed the brick but I felt and heard the snapping of the bones in my hands. I didn't feel the pain, I didn't feel anything besides the anger burning through me. I pulled my hand out and hit it again even though I could no longer form a fist. My hand was bloody by the time I stopped and Derek was yelling at me, begging me to calm down but I didn't listen, I couldn't listen.

It was too much, everything was too much.

I exploded into my wolf, not caring if anyone seen me. I ran down the street as Derek yelled for me to stop but I just kept going until I got to the woods.

I didn't even know who's land I was on but I knew it wasn't mine. I was trespassing on someone's territory but I didn't care, I didn't care about anything.

I just ran, trying to leave everything behind me, to run off my anger. I don't know how long I ran for but I wasn't paying attention to anything so when I was tackled to the forest floor I didn't see it coming.

I tried to fight back but they kept on coming and my paw was injured so it was hard to get them off of me. I felt a sharp pain as something hard smashed into my head and everything went black.

Damon's P.O.V.

I stared at the blond that was currently stripping for me. I couldn't help but wish that her blond hair was black and her dull brown eyes were a beautiful sparkling blue that I dream about every night. I couldn't help but wish that it was Charlotte here with me instead of this slut.

I looked at the girl with disgust, I bet every unmated male in my pack had already had her. She giggled and batted her eyelashes at me, no doubt trying and failing to be sexy. The more she continued the more she repulsed me, the more I wanted to throw her out of my room. I wouldn't though, well not until I finished with her. I could feel my wolf practically begging for me to stop this, to kick her out now and never touch anyone other then our mate.

I didn't listen to him, I never did, I didn't want her well I did but only for her pack. Alright, that was lie, I wanted her I just didn't want to want her. I didn't want to love her, but I did and I couldn't stop it. I would give her up if I could just so I didn't love her but my prick of a father ordered me not to. I also knew that it wasn't just the bond that made me love her, not after all that time I spent watching her.

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