chapter one

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"i'm not a dummy, koda!"


"aden told me you kidnapped her." i sigh. my sister is an idiot.
"she wouldn't come any other way." lexa argued.

"you didn't have to kidnap her, lex. that won't make her fall back in love with you."

"i know, koda."

"you have a lot to deal with. i'm going to go find aden. he's probably getting into trouble, my boy takes after his aunt." i laugh.

"yes, yes he does." she smirks making me shake my head.

"goodbye dummy." i smile, beginning to walk out of the throne room.

"i'm not a dummy, koda!" lexa shouts but i don't pay any attention to that, waving her off.

i search the castle for aden. it's no surprise that i find him in the library giving his teacher, noris, trouble.

"my sweet boy, why aren't you studying. you know how important your studies are." i say making aden's head snap up, his eyes lighting up at the sight of me.

"momma, what are you doing here?" he smiles running into my open arms.

"you know i have check on you to make sure you study. it's really no surprise that you weren't. you are just like your aunt lexa, sweet boy." this makes aden smile. he looks up to lexa.

"can we go train now, momma. please, can we?" he gives me his puppy dog eyes. i sigh, he knows i can't resist them.

"fine. but you will study later." he nods, running out of the library doors. i smile, nodding at noris before walking after aden.

"wait for me, son." i call out to aden. he giggles as i begin chasing after him.


please don't be a silent reader! let me know what you think!
- birdie

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