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I get confused about my schedule, why is culinary on there I know why English, Russian and Theatre is on there but why culinary I wonder to myself, so I decided to go visit the Ms Pugh.


"Come in" she says as I knock on the door, I walk and just am in shock, she looks hotter than she was when we first met. God why are there so many attractive people in the world.

"Hi, Ms Pugh, I have a question with my scheduling"

"What's up"

"Um why is their culinary on my schedule" I ask

"Well usually students who live on campus have to take at least four corses to continue living on campus, do you not want to take culinary I can change it if you want to  take something else" she states

"Um no it fine, culinary's okay" I say with a smile

"Excellent" she says standing up "Has anyone every told you how incredibly gorgeous you are" she's ask standing in front of me "Um, no not really" I reply back taking a step back

"Well you are, you know I remember that night we first met" she says stepping closer once again

"As do I, but that can not happen ever again" I replied

"Why not, no one has to know"

{ One year ago}

"Vodka tonic please" I ask
"ID" the bartender ask
"Oh come on man"
"Look i can't serve you till I see ID and you don't look old enough to drink" he states so I pull out my wallet and pull out my fake ID he looks at and hands it back to me walking off to get my drink.

"Wow you must of had a rough day" a woman says
"Excuse me" I ask
"You're clearly an underage drinker with a fake Id and most teens who go out drinking on weekends with fake ID's they go with friends, but not you, because if you were here with friends you probably would have ordered a bunch of shots to take back to your table, but not you so you must of had a rough day" she states

"Wow, you're right I'm not here with any friends and it hasn't been a rough day, it's been a tough week" I reply

"Why don't I help make it better, before we get drunk" she says with a smirk

"It's tempting"

"How old are you really" she asks

"I just turned 18"

"Great meet me in the bathroom in five" she says and walks away

I wait about a good four minutes before getting up and walking to the bathroom, I knock then walk right in
"I didn't think you'd actually come"

"Well I did, how do I know you're not going to murder me or something"

"You don't but I promise I won't I'm just a horny girl trying to make another girl happy cause she's had a shit week"

"Just fuck me already" I say ripping my shirt off, I didn't actually rip it but it's a button up so I just fastlly ripped it off.

"Wow wear a shirt underneath much" she states

"I'm Florence by the way but everyone calls me Flo"

We stepped into the handicapped stall and as soon as the door is closed and locked I'm pushed up against the wall, I feel Florence's breath on my neck but she doesn't do more than just breath against my skin, she moves to my lips but doesn't kiss me, it's frustrating I try to move closer, she's finally at least touching me with her lips but she moves away, she starts glinding her hands down my sides and behind me to my bra strap, I nod closing my eyes trying to distract myself.

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