[Chapter 2] A New Beginning

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[A rushing river can be seen as a feather falls into it, we're then shown a bridge as two people walk across it and a town off in the distance, a man sets off on his horse in carriage, revealing 3 people, two average looking guys, one in a green track suit and another in (Whatever you want to look like lol), and beside them is a blue haired girl with her head down moping. These three are Aqua, (Y/N), and Kazuma. Reincarnated from death to defeat the dreaded Devil King.]

(Y/N): "Woah.. this place looks cool!" [You say as you hold the headtaker close to you.]

Kazuma: "No way, we're really in another world! I can't believe it, so like, does that mean I get to learn magic and like go on real quests and stuff! I get to be a hero!"

[You look over and see that Aqua has still not gotten over what's happened.]

(Y/N): "Hey Aqua.. are you okay..?"

Kazuma: "Would you stop your whining! People are starting to stare and it's ruining the moment, so anyway now that we're here aren't you supposed to give me something? I mean look at us we're both still in our old clothes! We can't do what we're supposed to do in a fantasy world wearing clothes like these!"

[You glare at Kazuma.]

(Y/N): "That's enough dude."

Kazuma: "Why are you defending her!? She was literally making fun of us!"

(Y/N): "Yes, while that was uncalled for, there's no need to just add fuel to the fire!"

[She then wails and grabs onto you, causing you to drop the sword as she shakes you.]


[She shakes you around violently as you have to pry her off as you lean in.]

(Y/N): "Look I don't really want to put up with him either, looks like we're stuck for the long haul so just put up with him till we can get you back."

Kazuma: "Are you talking shit about me behind my back! Jeez if it's such an issue with you just go back! (Y/N) and I can manage this on our own."

Aqua: "Haven't you been paying attention!? I can't go back that's the problem! I'm stuck here with a creep-!" [She grabs onto your arm and wails.]

Aqua: "(Y/N) I don't know what to do-o-o!

(Y/N): "Calm down Aqua, all we have to do is find the guild so we can figure out where the heck we are and work from there."

[She looks up at you surprised.]

Aqua: "Hey that's a pretty good idea!"

Kazuma: "Pfft, whatever, let's just go before we get anymore weird looks."

[You turn to face her.]

(Y/N): "You coming?"

Aqua: "Right behind you!~"

[As the three of you are walking Aqua speaks up, standing in between the both of you.]

Aqua: "Also I don't mind you guys calling me goddess, but I'm worried it'll cause a commotion here, call me Aqua instead!"

[Kazuma turns to her.]

Kazuma: "Hey since you're a goddess, you should know where something like an adventurer's guild is at!"

Aqua: "Nah sorry I don't! I deal with tons of worlds, I can't know every little detail about them."

[You and Kazuma sigh in annoyance as you continue on.]

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