YR 5 ☆•°~'* 11

Start from the beginning

'What do you need help with?' she asked.

'Er... how many drops of Salamander blood do I need for the Strengthening Solution?' asked Harry.

There was a pause in which Y/N stared at the page Harry was reading. It happened to be the page that listed the ingredients for the Strengthening Solution. She looked back at him.

'It says it right there you need four drops,' said Y/N, pointing it out in the book. 

'Oh,' said Harry. 

'You just wanted me to stay, didn't you?' said Y/N, slightly exasperated.


'You're unbelievable,' Y/N chuckled. 'Fine, I'll stay... but if I fall asleep here, it's your fault.'

Harry shrugged. 'I could just carry you to bed.'

Y/N blushed and rolled her eyes. 'Do your homework, Hazza.'

❈🌠➵9¾♌ ⚯ 🗲━━━━━★. *・。゚✧⁺

'Harry Potter, sir!'

Y/N jolted awake. She hadn't even noticed that she fell asleep on the couch. Harry had his head on her shoulder, eyebrows knitted. His forehead was gleaming with sweat, even though it was quite cold in the common room.

Y/N blinked in the darkness, looking for the source of the voice she'd heard. 

'Miss Fire!' said a squeaky voice. 

'Dobby?' said Y/N, squinting her eyes. 

'Dobby is here to deliver Harry Potter's owl, Miss!' squeaked Dobby.

Once Y/N's eyes had adjusted to the darkness, she noticed that Dobby was wearing a tower of knitted hats, on top of which sat Hedwig, hooting serenely.

'Harry, wake up,' said Y/N, shaking the messy-haired boy beside her. 

'Whozair?' said Harry, sitting upright and looking around.

'Dobby has your owl, sir!' said Dobby happily. 'Professor Grubbly-Plank says she is all well now, sir!'

Hedwig gave a hoot and fluttered onto Y/N's lap, nipping at her finger affectionately.

'Thanks, Dobby,' said Harry, stroking Hedwig's head and blinking hard. 

'No problem, sir!' said Dobby happily. 'But why was Harry Potter muttering in his sleep, sir?'

'He's just having bad dreams, Dobby,' said Y/N, casting a worried look towards Harry.

'Not really bad,' said Harry. 'I've had worse.'

The elf surveyed Harry out of his vast, orb-like eyes. Then he said very seriously, ears dropping, 'Dobby wishes he could help Harry Potter, for Harry Potter set Dobby free and Dobby is much, much happier now.'

Harry smiled.

'You can't help me, Dobby, but thanks for the offer.'

He bent and picked up his Potions book; he had dropped it on the floor when he fell asleep. 

'Wait... Harry - he can help!' said Y/N, eyes illuminating.

'Name it, Miss Fire!' squeaked the elf, beaming.

'Dobby, can you find somewhere where twenty-nine people can practise Defence Against the Dark Arts without being discovered by any of the teachers?' said Y/N, looking at Dobby hopefully.

'Especially not by Umbridge,' said Harry, clutching his Potions book so that the scars on the back of his hand that spelt I must not tell lies shone pearly white.

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