6. Favourite Leclerc

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Mia's pov

I slowly open my eyes when the sun shines through the window. It takes me awhile to understand where I am so I quickly throw a look around. I smile to myself when I see the familiar pink-painted walls, the uneasy feeling immediately leaving my body. A part of me felt like coming back here was all a beautiful dream, but it's not, it's real and I'm actually here.

This is the first time in years that I've woken up in my childhood room and not even the fact that the room is painted pink can ruin my mood right now. I hug my pillow tightly, happy to be inside the covers as I sleepily yawn. I lie on my back and I see the other side of the bed is unmade and messy as well.

That's weird.

I lazily force myself out of bed, taking a towel and heading towards the bathroom to have a shower and get ready for the day. The face looking back at me in the mirror almost gives me a jump scare.

I look horrible.

Last night should have never happened. I totally forgot how quickly I get drunk but at the same time, I needed to forget what I saw at the club. Charles' hands on her waist...the image just wouldn't leave my mind.

After blow drying my wet hair, I quickly put some make up on before rushing downstairs, looking for Arthur. I need to make sure myself that he's alright after last night.

As I'm walking towards the living room, I bump into Charles. My face hits his chest, and he holds me by my forearms, preventing me from falling.


"Mia, morning." He says and gently strokes the place where he had his grip around me.

I shouldn't be mad at him. It's not his fault that he sees me as a child. He's older than me and has every right to have fun with whoever he pleases. It still hurts but I can't be upset with him, so I try acting in a polite way.

"Morning. Where's Arthur?" I look around, trying to get a glimpse of my best friend.

"He's out. The moms wanted to go shopping so they forced him to be their chauffeur for the day." Charles says and follows me behind as I walk into the kitchen.

I go through the cupboards, trying to find the mugs for my morning coffe. Charles comes up behind me, reaching over and handing me one.

"Thanks." I murmur "So, how was Arthur this morning?" I ask softly.

"Beaten up but he's going to be alright." Charles says as I pour myself some coffe. I can't help but feel guilty over what happened yesterday and can't help blaming myself for it. If only I would have managed my feelings better, we could have avoided all of it.

"Listen...I don't think you want me to lecture you about last night." Charles says and I shake my head. A lecture from him is the last thing I need right now.

"It was a dumb idea, alright?" I say, taking a sip of my coffe "I was careless and acted immature but I learned my lesson."

"I don't want to act like your dad...or your brother or..." Charles' hand goes through his hair as he's trying to figure out what to say, I almost flinch when he says 'brother'. "Just don't let it happen again."

"It won't." I say and Charles looks at me for a few seconds before he says "Are you alright...after what happened?"

"I'm fine." I turn my back on him "I don't want to talk about it."

"Mia-" he begins to say but the sound of the front door opening interrupts him.

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