"So you've said."

Luca's jaw clenched, his head hitting the wall as he tilted it towards the ceiling, "You're not seeing my point."

"I am seeing your point, very clearly actually. I just don't appreciate you yelling at me like i'm a child."

"You can't do childlike things, like talk back to a drug dealer with a freaking gun to your head, and expect me to be completely okay with that and not speak to you like you're a child, Ev."

"Okay. I'm sorry." She apologized.

The Antonio began to feel bad once he realized she hadn't look at him this entire time. Huffing softly, he walked to his bed and sat down next to her, brushing his arm against hers.

"I just don't want to see you to get hurt, Ev."

"I know."

"Getting shot isn't fun." He gently pushed her shoulder, watching her lip twitch up at his comment.

"You got grazed." She reminded him, letting her hand fall to the mark near his eye brow.

"And yet you acted like I got freaking obliterated. Imagine how I, or anyone else, would have felt it dear Evelynn Rose got shot by Rafe Cameron's drug dealer."

Evelynn hummed, falling back so she was laying down, "I already apologized, Luca. That's the best you're going to get."

"How about a promise that you won't do anything like that again?"

Her brown eyes locked on his blue ones as he leaned over her, her hands moving to wrap around the back of his neck, "I, Evelynn Zoe-Rose Connor, promise to never talk back to anyone that has a gun -safety off—"


"A gun pointed to my head."

"Good." He whispered, leaning down fully to press a soft kiss to her lips. "Now."

"Now what?"

"Tell me where you got your skirt so I can get you a new one."


Kirsten had left JJ a while ago. The Maybank mentioning how he needed to go home for a while to let his dad know he had gotten the money for restitution.

The Carrera girl was obviously nervous that the blonde could get hurt being left alone with his abusive father, but there truly wasn't much she could do.

It was dark by the time Pope and Kie had driven back by the Carrera's house and picked her up after getting as many supplies as they could afford for John B.

"Gotta be done before my scholarship interview in the morning."

Kirsten smiled, "I'm so excited for you."

The Heyward chuckled at her, the sound fading away as Kie quickly cut them off,

"Okay, well, we gotta focus."

Kirsten narrowed her eyes at her sisters dismissive behavior.

Pope nodded, "I know. It's gonna be fine. We got John B and JJ inside the well, and me up top. You two, Ev, Luca and Sarah will be outside transporting."

"Yeah, we got this."

"Uh, I got a winch." Pope told the girls.

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