Chapter Three | The Forest (Part 1 of 2)

Start from the beginning

          "Feel like you're falling behind?"

          "Yes, and…"

          Considering his calm demeanour, you decide to be straightforward.

          "I'd like to ask you something."

          "Go ahead."

          You take another box – now the sugary one.

          "Do you need help? Someone to clean up the store? Or… Or maybe close it? I'd really like to repay you for-"


          He takes the box away.

          "I never said you needed to repay like that. You're gonna be working full-time at the school, aren't ya? You'll tire yourself out, and Frisk won't get to spend time with you."

          His gaze moves to the list in your hands.

          "If you ever wanna stick around to talk when you're shopping here, be my guest, but I'm not about to demand any free labour from you."

          "Why not?"

          "That's a dumb question."

          "I still want you to answer it."

          "I can't pay you, and you closin' up the shop for me wouldn't be a good idea."

          "I won't be starting until after winter break ends."

          That seems to bring him to a stop, as he sets the box on the cart and looks away, sweat showing on his skull.

          "Uh… Mind elaborating?"

          "My license got revoked, and I need to wait until next semester to begin teaching."

          You push the cart toward a different aisle, forcing distance between you.

          "The mayor's aware of what happened, and… And she knows I would need a new job to make up for those changes, but… It would be part-time, and I would need to make some changes in my budget. If given the choice, I'd rather ease my mind off a debt, than look for another part-time job for a little more pay."

          "I don't need help."

          Sans looks at the cart, humming in thought.

          "You, on the other hand, could use some."

          He points a finger at your groceries, his grin broadening.

          "Tell me what you've got in there that's for you specifically."

          You stare at where he points, mind going blank.


          His irises light up.

          "N- Nothing?"

          "Whaddya like snackin' on?"

          His question leaves you stuck in place, and you find it hard to make eye contact now that you have an inkling as to what he plans to do.

          You answer his question – twice, as he asks for at least two more things you like to eat – and he immediately responds by grabbing the snacks from an aisle.

Frail Reality - [Deltarune | Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now