~29: Where She Cheers for Him~

Start from the beginning

We waited for the guys in the hallway outside the locker rooms. Peyton, Caroline, and I had stayed back to congratulate the team while the others had left.

Archer was the first one out. He'd changed into a white T-shirt and a pair of black basketball shorts. As soon as he spotted me he jogged to where I was standing and lifted me clean off my feet with his embrace.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and breathed in his clean scent.

"I'm so proud of you," I whispered.

"Thank you for showing up." His voice was muffled in my hair.

"I'll always show up for you, Archer Hastings," I murmured.

The sound of people clearing their throats and wolf-whistling had us stepping away from each other. My cheeks burned with embarrassment but Archer looked completely unfazed.

"You guys are so adorable." Caroline crooned.

Colton just rolled his eyes. "If you guys are done mooning over each other you should know that we're planning to go to the beach to celebrate our victory."

The other guys hooted in agreement.

"Sounds fun. I'm in." Caroline said excitedly.

"I'll go if Fallon does." Peyton turned to look at me, her expression concerned. She knew how much I avoided going to the beach. I gave her a warm smile and squeezed her hand reassuringly. "I'm in," I told everyone.

And when Peyton whispered in my ear and asked me what had made me change my mind about the beach I looked at Archer and told her the truth.

"I just realized that sometimes the only way to get rid of bad memories is to replace them with good ones."


We reached the beach just in time to watch the sunset. The guys made a small bonfire and someone brought marshmallows and crackers so we could make s'mores.

At one point we raced to the ocean only to hurry back when the water felt like ice against our skin.

We spent the entire night playing games and laughing at stupid jokes. We drew patterns on the sand and tried to get the others to guess what they were.

I felt warm.



Somewhere at the back of my mind, it occurred to me that the bad memories from the past didn't feel so overwhelming anymore


It was past 2 AM when we said our goodbyes.

Colton took Caroline and Peyton home in his car and Archer and I went in my convertible.

We parked the Convertible in the Parking Garage. It was a couple of blocks away from my apartment but it was safer to park the car there and it didn't cost a lot.

We walked towards the apartment in comfortable silence.

"So, finals huh? Pretty exciting." I nudged Archer with my shoulder.

He gave me a small smile. "I guess." He shrugged.

When I gave him a pointed look he chuckled. "Swimming is fun I'm just not super into it anymore, at least not like Colton and the other guys on the team are."

My mind suddenly drifted to the conversation I'd had with Peyton a couple of days ago and my stomach twisted uneasily.

I bit my lip. "So, what are you into? Like what are your plans for the future." My voice sounded small. I tilted my head up slightly to look at him.

He looked taken aback by my question.

"I-" he started to speak but the sound of thunder cut him off. Suddenly without any prior warning, it was raining.

Water poured down from above, completely soaking us.

For a moment we both stood there silently.

Our eyes locked.

In that fleeting moment, an intangible connection sparked between us.

Then, without warning, laughter bubbled up from within me, infectious and uncontrollable. Soon Archer joined in.

His hand clasped mine and together we ran the next couple of blocks laughing in the rain like lunatics.

We didn't stop till we reached the front door of our apartment.


I was panting and shivering at the same time when we stepped inside the apartment.

Spartacus, who'd been sleeping on the living-room couch jerked awake in surprise at the sudden noise but when he saw that it was just the two of us he stretched lazily and went back to sleep.

"You go, take a shower and change first." Archer urged, "I'll make us some hot chocolate."

I gave him a small smile before disappearing into the washroom.

The warm water felt like heaven on my chilled skin. I spent a good fifteen minutes soaking in the warmth and then begrudgingly got out because I didn't want to use up all the hot water before Archer got a chance to shower.

As I dried myself I realized that I'd forgotten to bring any dry clothes. Archer was probably making hot chocolate in the kitchen. I sighed in frustration as I tied the towel around my body and headed to my room to change.

I stepped inside the bedroom and turned on the lights. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust.

I inhaled sharply in surprise.

My heart thudded wildly in my chest

Because in front of me stood Archer.

A very naked Archer.

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