a week before Christmas i was awoken from my sleep " ms. potter you must come with me its urgent" i groggily got out of bed.

come to find out mr weasley was attacked at work by a snake and harry saw the whole thing because the idiot is connected to moldy voldy. anyways we all get taken to 12 grimmulad place mum comes and hugs harry ignoring me all together but dad comes and hugs me" shes just scared for him" dad whispered in my ear " shes always scared for him" i respond. Sirus speeks up "how about we get a butter beer" and looks at me knowing i hate butter beer " or a hot chocolate" i grin and agree mum hasnt even looked at me since i got here.

its now christmas Arthur has now made a full recovery. Mum barley talks to me i dont know what i did. Dad has admitted to me that im his favorite . which helps knowing i have at least one parent who at least likes me. Draco joined us for the holidays and he got me a beautiful necklace." i love it dray" i said " and i love you" he said " i love you more i replied" not possible" he said. it went on like this for like fifteen minutes before Remus cut us off saying " we get it you love each other."

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