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Main Pairing: Harry/Draco
Side Pairing(s): Ron/Hermione

Rating: T (PG-13, whatever... you get the idea)

Warnings: homosexuality/heterosexuality, (graphic) fantasy violence, dark themes (kinda), minor character death

Summary: (Harry/Draco) Harry isn't the Dark Lord, so he cannot be with a Death Eater's son. This is the first time the Boy-Who-Lived ever asked for something and he cannot have it. So he takes matters into his own hands. Post HBP!Evil!Harry, Dark!Draco

Disclaimer: Not mine... no duh... this is on a fanfiction site after all.

Secondary Disclaimer: Because of the nature of this fic (I dare not say more for spoiler reasons) there has-to-be/will-be flashbacks to events that occured in HBP. While I would normally shy away from such citation and/or consultation of the actual work, it is very necessary because, again, of the nature of this fic (which I dare not elaborate on for fear of spoilers again). I do not own HBP in any way. I am not in any way re-writing or taking credit for HBP, I am however twisting it's events to accomodate the fic.

Third Disclaimer : This story does not belong to me n I do not claim this story

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