I know it's stalker-ish but I couldn't help myself, I watched her as she ran on her land. She always ran by the border on her territory and I was almost always there, running on no man's land just to watch her. She was always so beautiful, the wind blowing through her thick fur as she dashed around the trees, i couldn't keep up with though. When she laid by the water in human form with the sun shining down on her.

I was startled back to reality when I felt a hand on the bulge in my pants "Am I turning you on, Damon?" She purred.

I wanted to push her away from me but I didn't, she definitely wasn't on turning me on, no that was my thoughts about a certain someone. I didn't say anything, I just looked at her and again I wished a certain black haired beauty was with me.

"Let me help you with that." A slow smile formed on her lips as she unbuttoned my jeans.

Then suddenly pain shot through my heart, I knocked the girl away from me as I clutched my chest. I hissed a breath through my teeth groaning, a stinging started on my neck and I knew what was happening.

Charlotte was claiming someone else.

The pain lasted for a full minute before it stopped, leaving me gasping for breath.

"What's happening!?" The girl yelled.

"Get out!" I snarled at her. She just looked at me with wide eyes "get the hell out if here!" I put some Alpha order behind it. She immediately started walking to the door and left.

I can't believe Charlotte would do this! Didn't she know she would kill the person she tried to claim when she's still mated to me? Of course she knew that. Then a thought hit me, making my blood run cold.

Was she telling the truth? Was I not her mate anymore?

The pain from my wolf double my pain, the thing I had wanted to prevent had already happened and no matter how many girls I slept with to try and chase it away it was still there.

I loved Charlotte.

I threw myself back on the bed anger coursing through me. Why was this happening? Why couldn't I stop myself from loving her? Why was she claiming someone else when I loved her?

Because I never showed her I loved her, I didn't want to love her because I knew one day I would lose her. I was afraid of losing her and I ended up pushing her away, I lost her anyway.

Why didn't she just mate with me? She could have been with me like she always wanted her mate. But I knew why she wouldn't do it, who would. She knew what I wanted from her and it wasn't love.

What would it have been like if the roles were reversed? If she was the one that didn't want a mate and just the power? Would I have done the same thing she did or would I have accepted what I had proposed. Would I have accepted her without her loving and wanting me?

No, I wouldn't.

I gripped my hands in my hair pulling slightly. I was so mad at myself, at Charlotte. Why did she have to make me love her?

I jumped up from my bed, I had to get her back. It didn't matter anymore, I guess if I really thought about it, it would have never worked. I would have fell in love with her anyway, she was made for me.

I did up my pants before leaving my room and house. Hopping in my car I drove over to Charlotte's house knowing I would probably get into serious trouble for trespassing but I didn't care.

When I got to her house I turned off my car before jumping out and making my way to the door, I knocked on the door and wait for someone to answer.

As soon as the door opened I felt a pain in my head "what the fuck!?" I hissed as my hands went to my head.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Her brother growled at me.

I didn't answer for a minute too lost in my thoughts. That wasn't my pain, what the hell was it? A snarl ripped through my lips, I knew who's pain it was.


I shoved Chase out of the way and made my way into the house, looking for her. Did she hit her head?

I knew she was here because her car was parked out side. "Charlotte!" I yelled.

"Get the fuck out of here!" Chase yelled, grabbing my arm.

"Where is she?" I asked, glaring at him. "Charlotte!" I called again.

"What the hell is going on?" Her dad said, coming from down the hall. When he seen me he snarl "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Where is Charlotte?" I asked again.

"Mr. James!" Someone called.

We all turned and looked at a guy with black curly hair, my eyes went down to his neck where a bite mark was. It was a claim, Charlotte's claim.

Before he could even blink I had him up against the wall with my hand around his throat "She's mine!" I snarled at him.

He started struggling to get free but I just tightened my grip of his neck. Then suddenly I was ripped away from him "where's Charlotte?" Hunter asked the boy.

He caught his breath before he could speak "She tried to claim me but it didn't work, she got mad and took off. She's in someone's else's territory!"

"What!?" Chase and Hunter yelled at the same time.

"Fuck!" I growled. "Where is she?" I asked the boy.

My heart stared to beat wildly as I thought of the pain I got in my head a few minutes ago. "Call her through the link, now!" I yelled at her dad.

He growled at me "Watch how you speak to me!"

"She will come back when she has cooled down." Kinsley said as she came up behind Hunter.

"Call her." My voice took on a desperate tone as I thought of all the things that could have caused the pain.

"She's not answering." Kinsley said, frowning.

I gripped my hands in my hair "No. No no no, NO!" I yelled.

"What is wrong with you?" Chase asked.

"I felt it, something happened to her. I felt her pain!" I hissed.

"That's not possible, you two never claimed each other. Hell you're not even mates anymore." Kinsley said.

"I felt it! When I knocked on the door I felt a pain in my head, it wasn't mine." I paced back and forth "We have to find my mate! Mine!" I growled, my wolf rising to the surface.

"She's not yours." Chase said, glaring at me.

"She is mine! She's still my mate." I looked over at the guy who had her failed claim "He's still alive, so she must be free from the bond but I'm not, I am still bonded to her. She's still my mate." I said quietly.

""That's strange." Kinsley said.

I snarled loudly "We have to find her, she's hurt!" I looked at the boy again "where did you last see here?"

As soon as I got the information from him I took off, shifting as soon as I was out the door. I ran as fast as I could through the pouring rain, pushing my legs until ached but I didn't care.

I had to find her.

I will find her and if someone hurt her then they would pay with their life.
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