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"This might be bold of me, but I truly want to kiss you right at this time." she whispers, her lips brushing on mine "What is holding you back?" I whisper against her lips.

But a clearing of a throat is heard behind the redhead's back and quickly as a mouse she removes herself from me and turns around "Grand Duke, sir. Do you need something?" she says as nothing has passed, but her cheeks are painted with a soft pink "Yes, I'm in need to clear some— matters with you." the man says hesitantly giving me a glance "Alone, if it is possible." he says a little bit more rude and cold now "I'll meet you inside, my Lady." I say, even though I do not wish to leave her, for not saying I was extremely curious to know what the Grand Duke has to talk with my Lady, she gives me a nod and I walk inside the ballroom again.

As I'm craving something sweet, I approach the table with all sorts of food and drinks. My eyes land in a bowl full of strawberries and I decide to grab one. When I put it in my mouth a hmm sound escapes through my lips as its delicious flavour evades my taste buds. One after another the sweet juice of the fruit makes me a little bit thirsty.

And then, my eyes fall to a pink drink which's falling from a fountain. One of my eyebrows arch with curiosity, I grab a glass and fill it up with the pink liquor. Taking a few sips I can feel the burning and bitter taste of the alcohol mixed with a soft one, evading my taste buds washing the flavour of the strawberries with it, I close my eyes while it descends my throat.

Somehow, between the sweetness and bitterness, I sense a nauseating feeling as it hits my stomach and it quickly turns into the need to throw up.

I quickly approach a guard who's nearby and asked where the restroom is, as fast as he lifts his hand and points the direction, my feet move for themselves and I'm already bursting into the door of the room running to the toilet and pouring all the contents of my stomach out. My hands are gripping the toilet so hard that my knuckles turn white, my eyes are watering for the effort and my hearing is as if it were underwater, muffled.

A slender hand grabs my hair up and rubs my back, but I'm too focused on emptying my stomach to care who the person is.

When I finished, tears still rolled down my cheeks, my face is probably as red as those strawberries and my strength is all gone, the energy I had is now on its lowest.

"Are you alright?" I hear someone ask, their voice far away, but when I lift my gaze and try to focus on the person, I could tell that they're really, really close to me "Darling, you're scaring me. What's wrong?" the voice turns more present and clear while my vision turns clearer "Wha— No, nothing is wrong, my love. It was the drink, it ended up being not good for my stomach." I say trying to sound coherent and she, hesitantly, nodded.

Using the strength I do not have on my body I push myself to stand, my legs threaten to collapse before me, but firm hands grab me from my forearm making me the most stable possible "Thank you." I breathe out while closing my eyes so the room stops spinning. When I open my eyes again I'm met by two beautiful orbs, the most insanely fire dancing on them, but I can see behind it; they're terrified.

"I'm well, my Lady. You do not need to worry about me." I say smiling softly at her while my hand goes up to caress her pale cheek. Her expression relaxes but then she narrows her eyes at me "Unfortunately for you I do care, young Lady." she says playfully making me grow an immense smile "And I do care for you as well." I say while walking to the sink so I could wash my face and fix my hair.


The night passes smoothly, everyone is engaged in some sort of interaction, be it dance or talk. This is until a young lady enters the ballroom, her immense dress of the colour blue does some mouths drop open, her beauty is beyond humankind "Who is that?" I hear Lady Tremaine asking beside me "I do not know, my lady." I say still gazing at the young woman walking down the stairs and it seems she also has all of the Prince's attention.

As the two of them start dancing I get to have a better view of the woman's face and to say I was surprised was the last. The woman was none other than Ella herself.

Hello my lovelies!
Did you enjoy the cliffhanger from the previous chapter? Hahaha sorry, sorry, that was cruel, I know.
But here it is, another chapter. Not my best, but it will be better, do not worry hahaha
See you in the next chapter!


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