IV. they are a murderer

Start from the beginning

"where did alex go?" ronan asked 

"no idea, i should probably find him" dora said and veah wanted to stop her but she just couldn't. it was her brother and she wanted her to find him and make sure that he was safe even if it meant she would get hurt. veah couldn't lose them both. 

"just be safe" veah told dora who nodded and walked off. they heard a scream and turned to see juna running towards them with katya close behind her and they panted as they slammed their hands on their knees and sighed heavily 

"run" she said and they all began to run together as fast as they could. it was a race against time and they didn't think they would survive. kaylin now ran next to caden even though she hadn't been there 2 minutes ago. it didn't matter though as long as they kept running. soon enough ronan tripped and they all turned to him, he pushed himself up 

"keep running" he told them even though his hands had became scrapped and he looked like he was going to pass out. he was having trouble and veah didn't blame him. soon enough they heard the sound of the gun being cocked and veah looked around. she ran up the stairs of one of the rides and she hid at the top of it. 

dora ran to the one next to hers and they made eye contact from across the top. they stared at each other as they saw caden and kaylin hide together and juna grabbed katya as they hid. ronan turned at the right time and was staring at the killer 

"fuck" veah said under her breathe 

"my moms gonna regret making me do this job" he stated and they all stared at him before he looked up and around. the person was messing with the gun as it seemed to be jammed or maybe they didn't want him to be their first kill, maybe they wanted to kill veah or dora or juna or katya or caden or kaylin. maybe they wanted to kill someone they didn't care for but this is what they were stuck with and this is what they had to do

"WHOEVER MAKES IT OUT ALIVE, MAKE SURE THEY PUT THAT ON GRAVESTONE: BASICALLY DIED AT THE HANDS OF HIS MOTHER" he called out to anyone who was listening to him as his eyebrows knit together. 

they wanted to remember him the way he was, his legally blonde loving, eyebrow knitting,biting his cheek, staring into space self. death didn't look good on him, it didn't look good on anyone and it never would. veah stared at him and she felt the need to save him , he was like her brother and she wanted to save him more then anything but she couldn't. 

she wanted to remind him that he could fight but he was sick of running and fighting. he wanted this night to be over and if the only way for it to be over was to kill him, he was going to sacrifice himself for the greater good. its just what he does. 

"and i was going to tell you guys to not be dumb like the movies and actually try and keep ourselves safe" he said and that was it, that was his final words and he was never going to come back. he never got to tell molly he loved her, he was dead and he wasn't coming back. 

the killer walked off and veah ran down as she shook him but he didn't wake up. she stared and she felt someone touch her shoulder as she looked up and saw caden standing there looking at her 

"hes gone v" he said and she cried as she laid her head on his chest and felt the blood stain her face but she didn't care. 

killers: 1

them: 0


FIRST GROUP KILL OF THE BOOK, HOW ARE WE FEELING? im so sorry for killing ronan and only letting him have three chapters but i had to kill someone in act 1 and i didn't want to do it in 5 and i have a plan for 6... 


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