I giggled in response. "Deal."

The boys soon got the bonfire going and Jeremiah had come over to us to inform us.

• Jeremiah's POV •

I watched Conrad whisk Angelina away as he always does. I won't lie and say that wasn't motivation for me to get this fire going so that they had a reason to come back. Steven and I soon got it lit and I seized my opportunity to go break up their little love fest.

I grabbed the marshmallows that I'd gotten for Angelina, knowing she's addicted to the things and walked over to my brother and my Angel.

Except for the fact that she's not mine and most likely will never be.

They were laughing about something and turned when they heard me clear my throat. They stopped walking and turned their attention to me.

"We got the fire going," I informed them awkwardly. "And I brought marshmallows."

Though she kept a straight face the entire time I spoke, I noticed Angelina's eyes light up when she noticed the bag in my hand. What is her deal with these things? They're like crack to her.

"Thanks, man." Conrad said and walked over to pat me on the back and then he dipped to the bonfire.

As I watched him leave I thought about how dumb I was to let him swoop in and take her all those years ago. By stepping out of her life, I opened the door for Conrad to become her best friend and just like throughout my entire life, I'd lost to him.

I looked back to Angelina who stood there fiddling with her necklace. Happy to know she still wears it.

I handed her the bag of marshmallows for the sole purpose of needing an excuse to get closer to her. She reluctantly took them from me, her love for the sweet treat overpowering her anger for me.

Thank god for fucking marshmallows.

There was still a few feet between us but from this distance I could see into her big brown eyes that I always failed to not become encapsulated with. I'll never understand why it is that we can fight and argue and not get along but I will always get lost in those eyes.

Only hers.

There was this tugging in my chest every time I looked into them and I tried to push it away. I tried to ignore it for years and I just couldn't anymore. When I said I was drawn to her, it didn't even begin to capture the feeling I got when within her presence.

She looked so gorgeous under the pink and yellow clouds above as the sun slowly set against the water, I almost lost my breath. Her curly hair brushed through the soft wind and I briefly remembered running my fingers through it when she slept in my room those nights.

As I stared at her I could see that even my peace offering in the form of her favorite snack wasn't enough to let her guard down. She was obviously still on defense.

"If there's something you need to say, say it." She finally broke the silence between us.

I had much to say to her. So many things that I wish I'd said months ago. Fucking years ago. Unresolved emotions and a million apologies ran through my mind before I realized that she probably didn't want any of that.

I wanted to have fun tonight and every time we talked we ended up in an argument. So, I shook my head, letting her know that there wasn't anything I had to say and I walked back in the direction of the bonfire.

We all sat around the fire soaking up it's warmth. I was sat next to Belly while Conrad was sat next to Angel and Steven sat at the head of the fire. A conversation that started about Taylor Swift's last drop turned into Kendrick Lamar's.

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