"I would lie and say that you're not on my mind." I would always have Harley Willows on my mind. There was no denying that every part of me didn't miss her, didn't crave her, didn't want her.

I wanted her in any way I could get her, and right now the only way I could see Harley was on TV, Tiktok, Twitter, Instagram, just in general the internet. The internet was the only thing letting me see the girl i love and miss so desperately.

Once I finished showering, I dried off and got dressed, before walking out of the bathroom.

"Hello Nikolas." Skylar sat on my couch, legs crossed, causing me to jump.

"You scared me." I scolded her and she laughed.

"Then you're really gonna hate this..."

"What's up-" Quackity yelled, jumping out from the corner, and causing me to jump.

"Bitch!" Rhea screamed, grabbing my shoulders from behind me.

"Fuck all of you." Rhea and Quackity broke out into laughter, before all of them followed me to my room.

"There was no invite, you three." I looked back at them, and they rolled their eyes.

"This is the love of his life." Quackity pointed to a picture of Harley and I on his wall.

Rhea's face went pale. You could see the storm fill her eyes. You could see pain, betrayal, sadness, anger. You could see everything.

"What's wrong, pitbull?" Quackity asked, and I rolled my eyes at their humor.

"This is Harley? Like your Harley?" Rhea turned around and asked me, before walking around my room and looking at all of the other pictures on my wall.

"That would be My Harley." I smiled, looking up at the picture of us together on my wall. God, I was so in love. If anything, I'm even more in love.

"I need air." Rhea walked out of my house, phone in hand, and I looked over at Quackity with confusion.

"I'll go check on her..." Skylar dismissed herself from my room, and followed Rhea. Quackity laid down on my bed, letting his feet hang off since he was wearing his shoes.

"You're not gonna go after her?" I turned to him and asked. He threw his head back and laughed.

"3." Quackity said, closing his eyes, and laying his on my pillow.

"2." The front door of my house reopened, and i heard footsteps rushing down the hallway.

"1." Quackity sat up, and looked at the door.

"Baldy, I could really use some support here." Rhea spoke, looking at Quackity.

"How bad?"

"Worse than not getting tickets to Taylor in bad." Quackity jumped up and they both ran out of the room. Weirdos.

I looked up at the picture of Harley once more. Her and I were sitting in the backseat of Skylar's car, eating ice cream. Her hair was in a bun, and she was wearing my sweatpants, and a tank top from Skylar. She still looked gorgeous, no matter what.

"She'll come back. She has to." Skylar said, almost as if she was convincing herself. The hope I had was draining. 5 years. I will never get my 5 years back.

"Eryn's birthday party is tomorrow?" I asked Skylar and he shook her head.

"A surprise party at Smokey's. You know how Foolish is, he's obsessed with her." Skylar chuckled, finishing her words.

"I would be throwing a rager if it was Harley's birthday." Skylar smiled, looking up at me.

"Did you listen to her new song?" Skylar asked, as we both walked out of my bedroom.

"Of course I did. Her whole demographic is about me!" Skylar let out a loud laugh, right as Rhea and Quackity walked back inside.

"Skylar Anderson, come talk to your favorite uncle outside." Quackity spoke, folding his arms.

"Watch your mouth. You are in my house." I pointed my finger at him, and he laughed. The two went outside leaving me with Rhea.

"Are you okay?" I asked, feeling the need to ask.

She looked at me, picking at her nails, and shook her head. I could feel the anxiety radiating off of her. Did she want to tell me something? And if she did, what was it?

"That-" Rhea started before getting cut off by Skylar walking back into the house.

"Bitches! It's time to hit the road and go see our family!" She wrapped her arms around my shoulders, standing on her tippy toes.

"I can't wait to see Daytona! She never told me about her skin routine yesterday." Rhea explained excitedly as we walked out to Skylar's car.

"It was a coma, Really." Quackity said, and our mouths hung open.

"You are a terrible person!" Skylar screamed, smacking him on the head.

"She said I could joke about it! She gave the consent!" Quackity screamed in protest and I rolled my eyes.

No matter what I say about Harley, I'm not over her. She would fit in so perfectly, and I know she would because she did once before. She had all of my friends wrapped around her finger. They all loved her. They still do love her.

Even the ones that Harley didn't even get a chance to meet, still loved her as much as the people who did get to meet her. Harley was a loveable person, and even more loveable since I loved her.

1449 Words

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