Missing (Illinois)

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TW: Missing person(s), blood

It was a nice day and you decided to take a trip to a cave. You didn't have anyone to go with, so you drove by yourself and hiked by yourself. About halfway down the trail, you see a sign pointing to a cave. The sign reads: "Explore the wonders of the cave! Warning: Watch your step. Bring a light." You had a lamp and a flashlight along, so you went a took a walk in the cave. You soon realize that it wasn't a very good idea. You didn't have a map and there were multiple choices between tunnels. You had gotten to a dead end and tried to go back. Trying to remember what path you took, you start to panic more as you realize that you were stuck and weren't getting out anytime soon. You screamed for help, but the trail wasn't busy at all. Almost no one was there today. Screaming for almost 3 minutes straight, you are out of breathe and your throat hurts. You try to use your phone to call someone, but there wasn't any service. You were so deep into the cave system that there was no service. Knowing you needed to calm down, you sat down and breathed slowly and set the lamp down beside you. You had made sure that your phone, lamp, and flashlight were fully charged before putting them into your backpack, so you should be good with light. But food and water...not so much. You only brought a granola bar, a protein bar, a cookie, two packs of gummy snacks, one bottle of your favorite flavor of Gatorade, and your water bottle half full (you drank half while hiking. It was full at the beginning). The food could last a while, but you only had a little water. You sit there and talk to yourself for an hour, wondering how you would get out.


(y/n) hasn't answered my texts. I asked them if they could help me out with my college homework, but when they didn't respond after hours of me waiting, I knew something was up. (y/n) was always quick to respond to texts. This wasn't like them. I called their friend, Celia. She said she hadn't heard from them either. This made me worried. I called the place they worked at to see if they had even went there today at all. Their boss said he hadn't seen them. I call more and more people, no one has seen them. I drive to their house as fast as possible. I knock on the door and with no response, I open the door anyway and look everywhere. They were nowhere to be seen. That's when I felt the weird feeling I get when something's wrong. I finally assume the worst and call the police. I put in a missing person report and give every detail I can to them. A day later, the police call me and let me know they found out where they were last spotted. The park center had claimed they saw them enter, but never them leave. The police immediately started a search.


You slept in the cave and turned off the lamp to save its battery. Waking up, you turn it back on. You check your phone again and see that it still has no service. You know if you try to find your way back, you'll only make it worse. "Why did I do something that dumb?" You whisper to yourself. You're completely alone. The silence is way too loud.

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