Tired (Head Engineer Mark)

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You were talking to the crew sitting around a table. A meeting! (Yay...) After what seemed like forever, you got to the end. "And that's the end!" You waved everyone bye as they all left. The door shut after the last crew member left the room. You got rid of the fake smile on your face right as that happened. You hadn't been able to sleep in days, so it was hard for you to keep your eyes open. You sat down on a chair at the table facing the wall. Lately, you were feeling down. You couldn't take much anymore. You sat there facing the wall with your face cupped in your hands. Your elbows were resting on your knees as you stayed in that position for a while. You thought about someone you lost, someone you loved dearly, your best friend. You lost them a year ago when you were still on Earth. You still hadn't gotten over it. Tears ran down your face. You suddenly thought of the song, "Wrecked" by Imagine Dragons. (Listen to it, and you'll understand why it fits) "Captain?" You jumped out of the chair, pushing the chair into the table. You turn and see Mark right beside you. 'Had he been there the whole time?!' You thought. "Cap, are you ok?" He looked genuinely concerned for you. "How long have you been there?..." You asked him. "I never left, so the whole time I guess." He replied. "I thought ev- everyone left." You were still slightly crying. "(y/n), what's wrong. I know something's wrong, so don't try to hide it. It'll be fine." Confused why he called you by your first name instead of being formal like he always was. The only other time he had called you by your name is when he was joking around with you in the cafeteria one day. "Mark, I'm fine! Just-..." Mark wasn't buying it. He knew something was up. He gave you a look of disapproval. "Ugh. Ok fine. I haven't slept in forever, I can't stop thinking about a friend I lost, instead of helping I swear I'm hurting more and more people, and I-..." Mark cut you off right there with a hug. Without thinking twice you hugged him back. Tears started going down your face again. (No joke, as I'm writing this, "I Don't Like Myself" by Imagine Dragons starts playing...perfect timing lol) You couldn't control your breathing anymore. You were sobbing. Mark held onto you, trying to calm you down. You continued to cry and Mark started to run his fingers through your hair. "I don't know how much more I can take." You whispered. "Cap, you haven't done anything wrong. You're our captain. We need you! I need you ..." You look up at him. "Wh- what?" You looked puzzled and he was blushing a little. "(y/n), I...I'm just going to say it." Before he could say anything else, you gained the confidence to kiss him on the cheek. His face turned a bright red and he held onto you tighter. You finally calmed down and yawned. "Now, you need to get some sleep." You both giggled and you nodded your head. He walked with you to your room and went into his room. His was right across from yours. He hugged you one more time and kissed you on the forehead. "Goodnight, (y/n." You smiled back and the door closed. You got dressed for bed. Looking out the window, you saw what looked like a heart made out of stars. You smiled and finally fell asleep.

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