Dinner Party Part 2

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Here's Dinner Party part two it takes place an hour after Part 1. I hope it's cute enough for yall's and thank you so much to Ssejwolf for the comment on Puzzles!

Spensa POV

I walked quickly through the halls of platform prime, trying to find Jorgen. I didn't know why I was so eager to say yes, that I would come to the event, but scud I really wanted to. I was walking so quickly that I didn't notice Nedd and Arturo walking back from the mess hall until I was already 2 steps away from them.

"Hey Spin," said Nedd, resting on one of the metal walls of Platform Prime. "Whatcha doing?"

"She's obviously going to the mess hall, what else would she be doing?" Said Arturo, who liked to indulge his brain cells by using them more frequently than Nedd did.

"But none of the flight is in the mess, except for Jorgen so why in the world would she be going there?"

"Maybe she just wants to eat." Arturo said, then gave me a look that said 'Yeah, why do you want to see Jorgen' but had rebutted Nedd so quickly that I thought I had imagined it.

"But-" said Nedd. That was where I zoned out. Arturo and Nedd were fun to hang out with and watch them argue but I really couldn't deal with that right now. I had already gotten the information I needed. I snuck away from them to the mess hall.

I found Jorgen seated at a table near the back of the mess hall, which–on Platform Prime–couldn't really be called a hall and more so 'one large room in whence tables are jammed together.' As I walked towards him Jorgen looked up from his food and ran a hand up his face into his hair.

"Oh scud," I heard him mutter. I was confused, did he not want me to come? I would have to approach this more gingerly than I thought. That was fine, I could be careful. I was careful all the time.

"Jorgen, I was wondering-"

"I'm so sorry Spensa, you don't have to come. I was so stupid to-"

"Jorgen!" I interrupted him, "I do want to come, I was just wondering if you could tell me how to get to the deep caverns."

His eyes widened and his lips parted in shock. "You- do?"

"Yes," I said, exasperated, I had asked him a question and he wasn't scudding answering! "How can I get scudding down to your house when I don't even know where it is?!"

"Oh, um, I could drive you, if you wanted." He said, and we agreed to meet in Alta's private vehicle garage at 1900 (7:00) for the party started at 1930. It would take approximately 20 minutes to get down there–though it would normally take 5-10 minutes, there would be a lot of people coming to this event and Jorgen wanted to get there on time. I walked back to my room playing this conversation in my head until I knew it by heart.

Freyja POV

The other girls and I sat waiting in Spensa's room. She didn't know we were there, naturally, and she should be back from telling Jorgen she wanted to come anytime now. Yes, I knew that she was telling Jorgen she wanted to come, it was so obvious from that look of flustered determination she had given us right before she shooed us out of her room. And when the door opened it was no surprise to she that smile on the corners of her mouth.

"How'd it go?" I asked her, a smile playing on my lips at the shock she visibly showed that we were all here in her room. Doomslug was on Spensa's shoulder in an instant, trilling 'Jerkface' in a very excited manner.

"Umm, I'm going to meet Jorgen in Alta in 6 hours," She said it like a question. And I could quite clearly see how unusual this was for her.

Sadie squealed, "What are you going to wear?" She asked in her young voice. Spin shrugged, gesturing to the jumpsuit she was wearing at the moment.

"Spensa, dear, you can't wear that, this is a dinner you're going to. You must look your best and that means wearing a dress." Kimmalyn said in a motherly fashion, putting her hand on Spensa's shoulder and staring her to a closet that Spensa had never before used and Kimmalyn, Sadie, and I had been using for our dresses. Even I had never seen the dress that Kimmalyn pulled from the depths of the closet, it was gorgeous. But Kimmalyn swept it and Spensa away faster than I could get a good look at it.

She came back 10 minutes later with Spensa, who was wearing the gown trailing behind her. The gown was ballroom style with open shoulders. The dress was held up by two spaghetti straps but the short, tulle sleeves connected onto the gown brought more attention. The dress went down to the floor but did not trail after Spensa, making it look all the more elegant. The top was a midnight blueish purple color but at the waistline where the dress' skirt stated there was a layer of purple tulle that matched Spensa's eyes beautifully after those few layers of purple tulle it alternated into a lighter dusky blue. The dress itself seemed to be made of tulle and if you looked closely enough you could see the outline of golden stars embroidered into the tulle, lines of silver, glistening thread connecting them in zigzagging patterns. And most surprisingly the dress fit Spensa perfectly, making an a-line shape around her and not being too big on her small self at all.

"I knew at some point you'd need a dress," Kimmalyn said, and it struck me that Kimmalyn had probably gone out of her way to buy this specifically tailored for Spensa. But Quirk wasn't stopping there, she tugged Spensa into the bathroom, Sadie and I trailing behind to brush and curl Spin's hair.

"It never comes unknotted," Spensa groaned, Squirming away from the hairbrush as she sat on the stool in the bathroom.

"It will if it wants to be able to go to that party," Kimmalyn said, then immediately blushed looking abashed at threatening it. Spensa groaned but after a while her hair was utangled and a curling iron had just gone through it, making it look like... not Spin, she looked so dosile, so toned down then she ruined the picture by talking.

"This scudding dress is so itchy!" She complained. Kimmalyn Sadie and I just smiled at eachother seeing that it was 1830 and she should be going to catch a flight down to Alta. And meet up with Jorgen. The person that she hatted at the begging of flight school. And now the person that I was pretty sure she liked more than anyone else.

I'm working on part three now, it was originally only going to be a 2 parts but I hadn't posted in a while and figured I would just post something shorter. Sorry that it's short, hope you like it! Oh, and do you want Spensa to completely destroy the party or just be clear that she shouldn't be there according to almost all the first citizens?

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