Dinner Party (Part 1)

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A/N: Ummm... so this is the like first fanfic I've ever written and I really don't know where to start but I just need to know that if this turns out horribly you will comment that way and not pretend it's good when it's very much not. And now sorry I've been rambling but this story  so here we go...

And FYI this contains some spoilers and takes place between Skyward and Starsight

Jorgen POV

I drove my hovercar into the vehicle elevator nearest to my house, replaying the conversation I just had with my parents. My mom was hosting an event for all the First Citizens that were still alive, bringing them together to greet each other, and to meet a member of my own flight. My parents had told me to decide who—other than Nedd and Arturo who were already attending the dinner—should come to our home. I had one invitation in my hand and was going up to Platform Prime to see a certain dirty brown-haired, purple-eyed, beautiful girl.

I didn't usually try to rebel against my parents, scud, I always did everything they asked. Until flight school, that is. I don't know if it was Spensa's influence or just the fact that they were going to take me out of flight school after six months of flying. I knew that it probably wasn't fair to my parents to take the daughter of their worst enemy to the dinner in which they wanted to show off Alta's newest heroes but... scud, Spensa was The Hero of the Battle of Alta Second. Regardless I had been wanting to bring Spensa to one of the events for a while now and here was the perfect opportunity to do so.

I arrived at Alta base just in time—my ship still being down in the Deep Caverns due to my R&R—to catch a cargo shipment up to Platform Prime. The fight was about twenty minutes long and my thoughts kept drifting back to one person: Spensa.

Did she actually like me, I knew she cared about me in some way but was it just friendship when she hugged me at the landing pad? Had I actually seen her cheeks flushing, at least a little, when I had told her just how amazing she really was? Was I just reading way too much into something that is really just friendship, really just fake? How would someone who was so incredible—could even make miracles happen—be in love with me? One question quickly outweighed the others: would she turn down coming to the party with me?

Spensa POV

I stepped out of the changing room (that doubled as my bedroom), Doomslug the Destroyer sitting on my shoulder, fluting nervously almost excitedly like she knew something was going to happen that I didn't.

"Be scudding still for a second!" I said, agitated at her squirming today.

"Be still!" she fluted, in the same sound as before. "Jerkface," she added with delight. That's when I saw the tall figure walking toward me in the long metallic hallways of Platform Prime, it was Jorgen.

Oh, scud. I thought, my hair was an absolute bird's nest—I hadn't bothered brushing it—and my face was dirty. I tried to hide in a hallway connected to the one I was in now but the halls were too sterile, too bright, and Jorgen had already seen me. No choice now but to face him.

Jorgen POV

Spensa stood there in the hall, purple eyes blazing in the pure light of the platform. Doomslug was on her shoulder and her arms were crossed, scud, had I done something wrong? I stepped up to her looking down at her perfect face, wanting to get closer to her, but I left a safe distance between us. She walked a step closer, making my heart bounce for just a moment.

"Umm. Well. Spensa?" I said, probably sounding stupid and pathetic.

"Yes?" She asked but I felt no coldness in her voice as I had expected, inted it seemed a bit excited, almost giddy? Was that right? It was Spensa we were talking about after all.

"Are you, umm, free this weekend?"

She blinked multiple times, looking a bit flustered as her cheeks grew a tiny bit warmer with color. "Umm, why?"

I thrust the invitation into her hands and, unsure of what else to do, walked off, feeling silly, I shouldn't have stumbled through my words. I shouldn't have even asked her to come, she would turn me down immediately.

Wouldn't she?

Freyja POV (FM POV)

Kimmalyn, Sadie, and I walked back from lunch, trying to find Spensa. We had checked her room, the bathroom, and pretty much all the, what, 125 hallways in this place and still couldn't find Spin.

"Where could she be?" Sadie asked in her young voice.

"You don't think-" Kimmalyn said, wisely cutting herself off to let one of us finish the sentence.

"She's with Jorgen?" I finished for her. Sadie squealed, reminding me of just how young she acted. While only about a year younger than us she acted as if she could still be part of a 12-year-old's class play, no offense intended of course. Regardless, Spensa and Jorgen had been the topic of many discussions in the last 5 weeks since we finished flight school and it had doubled in the last three days since we saw how flustered Jorgen was whenever the topic came up (which only came up when Spensa wasn't there). Nedd and Arturo hadn't yet caught on and Jorgen was probably very grateful for that, them being his best friends, except maybe Spensa. I must have been lost in thought because a second later I bumped right into Spin.

"Finally Spin! We've been looking all over for you!" Kimmalyn started, then we all noticed the thing Spensa was carrying. It was a crisp white envelope clutched in her hand.

"What's that?" I asked, nodding to the envelope in Spensa's hand.

"It- Its nothing- I... It's not-" she studdered turning a bit pink. Wow, Spensa? Stuttering? This was new.

"Come on," Kimmylan said, smiling slyly, "Let's go to your room."

Spensa POV

The other girls followed me to my room, talking in a hushed conversation so that I could only occasionally hear giggles coming from behind me. I ignored them, opening the door to my room and letting them file in before I closed the door, setting the envelope that Jorgen had given me on a side table, planning to read it later.

"So, Spin," FM started, "Where were you?"

"First I was in my room, then I stepped out and started talking to Jorgen."

"Were you in trouble?" Kimmalyn asked.

"No," I said slowly.

"What was he angry at you for?" FM continued.

"I, I don't know he gets annoyed at me!" I was determined not to tell them about the note Jorgen had given me.

"And why was he annoyed at you this time?" FM said.

"Scud, guys will you just sto-"

"Got it!" Sadie yelled interrupting me. Scud, I had been so focused on the conversation at hand that I hadn't noticed Sadie sneak over to the table where I had set down the letter and take it! She took it over to FM and Kimmalyn who deftly opened it without ripping the envelope at all, I guess being a polite society girl had taught her to politely open an envelope. As they read FM put a hand over her mouth. Their eyes flicked line by line and I held my breath, hoping it wasn't too embarrassing or that it wasn't Jorgen chastizing me in all ways.

"Bless your stars..." Kimmalyn breathed.

"Scud Spin," FM said "Jorgen just asked you to a dinner party."

Mwa ha ha ha ha, And I am ending it there, being the mean, evil, and vile person I am. I will write soon but school just started so please don't bug me too much about it. Thanks for reading! 

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