Chapter twenty three.

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Bryce POV:
I asked Addison who she was messaging and she wouldn't tell me but eventually she told me, she said that it was this boy she met in fifth grade? Back in Louisana? And that he was coming to L.A. In 2 days and was wondering if he could stay with us? What the fuck, why would she be in contact with a boy from fifth grade? After she moved aswell? I had so many questions

Bryce-Y'all met in fifth grade when you moved to Louisiana and y'all still talk?
Addison-well he comes go L.A. some thanksgiving with his family like one year our family goes back to Louisiana Then another year their family comes to L.A.

Bryce- ohhh so y'all close?
Addison- no we met in fifth grade and he became my friend on the first day, after that day he's been obsessed with me since and then his parents met my parents and *explains the rest of the story about how she rejected him and all that*
Bryce-*laughs* well he can't live with us for 2 days adds
Addison-*pouts and grabs him arm* please Bryce
Bryce- no adds, he clearly still has feelings for you.
Addison-so? I'm not dating anyone am I? Why's it a problem if he has feelings for me? *looks up at him*

Bryce POV:
When addison told me about how he asked her out 5 times and she rejected him but he still didn't get the hint, why would she want him to live under the same roof as her for 2 days then? And when I told her no because he still had feelings for her she said that it's doesn't matter because she didn't have a boyfriend. Does she not get the hint? I like her. That just pissed me off

Bryce- Well he ain't living in sway that's the fucking end of it *moves her head off his chest and turns the other way*
Addison- why are you mad bry-
Bryce-fuck off Addison *mad*
Addison-*wraps her arms around his waist*

Addison POV:
After I told Bryce I ain't dating anyone so it doesn't matter that he has feelings for me, he got mad for some reason and moved my head off his chest and turned the other side, so I asked why he was mad and he told me to fuck off? Who does he think he is ugh so I wrapped my arms around his waist, he's so muscular dammnnn

Bryce POV:
I told Addison that he weren't gonna stay at away for 2 days and that's the fucking end, I was pissed so I moved her head and turned the other way then she asked why I was mad? Is she actually dumb, maybe because I like you? I told her to fuck off and she then proceeded to wrap her arms around my waist, fuck sake I just melted, butterflies was going crazy in my stomach, this girl knew how to calm me down and give me butterflies ugh I can't be mad at her anymore.

Bryce-*sighs and turns around* I'm sorry beautiful
Addison-*smiles* for what?
Bryce- being mad at you, I shouldn't have, it's not your fault adds
Addison-mhm it's fine *puts her head onto his chest*
Bryce-*caresses her cheek and smiles at her* has anyone ever told you you're absolutely beautiful
Addison-*blushes and quickly covers her face* yea you have Bryce *giggles*
Bryce-*laughs a little* I made you blushhhhh
Addison-*still covering her face* stoppppp
Bryce-*pulls her hands off her face* you're so cute
Addison-*giggles* shut up, soooo can you maybe ask the boys tomorrow about him coming to stay with us for 2 days?
Bryce-*sighs* if the boys says yes then I guess *tucks some of her hair behind her ears*
Addison-*smiles* thank youuuu
Bryce-*smiles* okay no worries go to bed it's late as fuckkkkkk
Addison-mhm okay *snuggles into his chest*

*10 mins later and they both fall asleep, it's the next day and it's 11:00*

Jaden POV:
Everyone just finished breakfast but Addison and Bryce still haven't woke up, that's weird.

Jaden-y'all know if Addison and Bryce is awake yet?
Nessa- no they went to bed pretty late last night
Jaden-*raises his eyebrows* what do you mean by that ness?
Nessa- well they watched a movie and then Bryce ordered food, they watched another movie and yea
Jaden- ah right thought you meant something else *laughs a little*
Josh-*laughs* jad thought Bryce got in her pants
Nessa-*looks at him*
Jaden-*glares at him and then hits him in the arm hard*
Josh-owwwww I was joking man *holds his arm*
Nessa-*giggles* now that's funny
Josh-shut up nessss
Dixie- should we go upstairs and check on them?
Nessa- yes yes yes!!!!
Jaden- can't be arsed ima stay with mads *looks at her and smiles*
Mads-*looks at him and smiles back*
Nessa- okay well me and Dix will go upstairs to check up on them!!
Everyone: okayyyy

*dixie and nessa goes upstairs and knocks on the door but there's no response*

Dixie-*whispers* should we go in?
Nessa- yessss!!! *opens their door quietly*
Dixie-*puts her hand over her mouth and says quietly* awwwwww they're so cute
Nessa-*giggles* I knowwww!! Oh my god we should get the horn and blow it!!!
Dixie- yessss *quickly goes and grabs the horn then comes back*
Nessa- ready... 3...2...1... go!!!
Dixie-*blows the horn and it makes a loud sound*

Bryce POV:
Me and addison was sleeping, I didn't know what time it was but I didn't care as long as I have addi in my arms, then I heard a huge honk, I jumped and quickly wrapped my arms around Addison

Bryce-*opens his eyes and sees nessa and Dixie standing there laughing* what the fuck guys *mad*
Addison-*jumps and rubs her eyes* what the hell *laughs*

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