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(f/d) = Favorite Dessert

(f/d) = Favorite Dessert

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'He is really cute.'

'Did my appearance scare him...?

(Name) couldn't help but wonder. Shinichiro was the first person to talk to her without caring about how she looks, besides her classmates, when asking or requesting homework, of course.

She was always met with horrible glances—those judging faces they wore when (name) walked by. She was also treated as an outcast; sure, it hurt, but at the same time, she was glad that no one dared to one-up her.

After all, (name) didn't want to hurt them.

Meeting Shinichiro made things brighter for her; it was like life became easier to manage.

She was disheartened but also eagerly looking forward to seeing him again. (Name) could hear her heartbeat increase; her mind kept on repeating the memory.

His pompadour hair, his eyes, and the way he uses his uniform. To her, he looked so cool and handsome at the same time.

She was simping; don't blame her; Shinichiro rizzed her after all.

'Does he have a girlfriend?'


'With how charming he looks, of course he probably has one'

She sighed sadly. (Name) really hoped that he was the one for her, to sweep her off the floor and into his arms like the prince in stories does to the princess.

'Someone much more beautiful, charming, and kind than me'

'Probably can cook or bake better than m-'

"Finally, that's how we can find x."

Snapping out of her thoughts, (Name)'s  mind went back to the real world. She could see her teacher packing his things up.

'Ah! Did I miss the lecture?!' Yup, she was going to fail her test this semester.

(Name) stood up from her chair and took her bento with her. She walks up to her favorite lunch spot, the MC rooftop. Upon arriving there, she saw the class self proclaimed 'jokester' and student council vice president there.

"Come on, bro, do it for me?" The 'jokester' begged. He looked so desperate that she couldn't help but listen to the tea. (Name) was standing near the door, peering at them.

"No! You could just use your "technique" or whatever you call it to your classmates." Argued the vice president; his face said it all. He was tired of his friends bullshit.

"It's called the bombastic side eye technique; I already told you that before!" 'jokester' pestered, ngl she wanted to know what the technique does.

"I can't give the papers to you; that's called cheating, and I won't tolerate that behavior." The vice president was pissed, and (Name) thought that his face couldn't get any hotter.


"End of discussion, I think I lost my appetite. I'll be at the student council room if you finally decide to study," he finalized, and the vice president stood up and left the rooftop.

"Excuse me, miss." He went past her and continued walking down.

'He's cute, but...' Her thoughts quickly went to the pompadour boy she met before class started.

She could see the smoke coming from him; 'jokester' made a bad move. (Name) felt sorry for him, but her lunch couldn't be eaten without her.

'I hope that they'll make up and be friends again' Though she understands that it's difficult to gain friends, (name) still didn't like it when people fight.

So she continued to walk towards her favorite spot, finally sitting down on the floor. (Name) took the time to admire her surroundings; the sun wasn't that harsh, and she could feel the wind blowing softly.

'Time to eat!'

(Name) eagerly took out her bento; it had an eight-stacked container filled with her favorite food and dessert. The first bite made her want to shout out her love for food. She was proud of herself for being the one who cooked and baked these.

Those savory flavors made her want to stay there forever.


Minutes passed, and she finally finished eating. (Name) spent her time there, waiting for her stomach to begin its digestion. She was still thinking about him, wondering when she would see him again.

'I forgot to ask him where his classroom was..' She sadly thought, and as always, she was disappointed in herself again.

The sound of her stomach gained her attention. (Name) was hungry again, and the need to go to the restroom called her. She arranged her bento and took it with her.

Walking down the stairs was tiring, but she could handle it. Stopping at the 2nd floor, she began to return to her classroom to return her bento.

'Where was I seated again..?' (Name) pondered; she had forgotten her seat yet again.

Seeing her (f/d) keychain made it easier for her to locate her bag. She was seated at the end of the chairs at the back, the MC window seat.

Putting her bento in her bag, she went out of her classroom to go to the restroom. Passing by many rooms, (Name) could see the students in their classroom and some in the hallway.

'They're so lively.' She happily thought, (Name) was glad to see them having fun with others, though she couldn't help but envy them.

Chatting with others seems fun, and she wanted to experience it.

'Ah, there it is.' Stopping in front of the girls restroom. (Name) went in to do her business, washing her hands afterwards.

'The janitors worked hard to make it clean.' The corners were clean, as was even the mirror.

"..... Better than us?!"

'Huh?' (Name) was sure that she heard voices but didn't clearly understand what they said. She went out of the restroom, walked closer to the sound, and saw three tall men surrounding someone.

They were at the back of the school; no other students could be seen outside. The tall men looked far older than her and her classmates; they were like in their 20s.

'Aren't they our seniors? I've seen them before on the 3rd floor; they're always causing trouble for teachers.' Confused was all she could feel as she got closer to see the unfortunate soul that got trapped in their grip.

The familiar, charming pompadour hairstyle made her heart stop. It was him.


Not Edited: 08/17/23

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