Chapter 2: The New Guy

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8 months later.......................
"So tell me again why we are going after the leader of the Russian mob and possibly the most dangerous criminals alive." Micah said.
"He pissed me off." I said. "And I didn't like that."
When I woke up I had found myself in a French prison with absolutely no memory of how I had gotten there. All I knew was that James Ross had just become my mortal enemy. I ate,slept,and breathed for only one purpose :destroying him and making him suffer.
But he was sneaky and had somehow managed to fall off the face of the earth. Technology was not my strong suit so I found myself a partner. Micah Shaw was a computer tech straight out of college who had never so much as looked at a girl. He was beyond pathetic but he was the best tech around and I had enough muscle for the both of us. Together we had managed to come close to capturing James,but he was always one step ahead of us. We followed every lead-even the smallest ones. Micah was annoying,weak,pathetic,and kind of lazy but when it came to what mattered most,he was phenomenal.
When I woke up in that cell,I woke up angry. Angry at myself,the world,and him. I swore to lock up my heart,throw away the key,and never let the walls down again. Feelings and emotions made me weak and caused me to let down my guard. Never again.
"Where are we headed?" Micah asked.
"Our latest tip points us towards Germany." I replied.
"But what if its another trap? Or a lie? Or-"
"Did I hire you to ask questions?!"
"I only gave you this job because I felt sorry for you and I can take it all away just as fast. I can make your life miserable if you cross me. Do you understand? "
"Yes ma'am! "
"Good. Now get us to Germany by this time tomorrow."
"Yes ma'am. "
I felt bad for yelling at the kid,but not enough to apologize. It was good for him. Helped him man up. Or at least that's what I told myself. He seemed to cave in on himself in these moments and it made him look even more pathetic than he already was.
I smiled to myself when I remembered our first mission together. We were in Turkey and I had found a particularly difficult informent and I was practically beating him to a pulp to get answers from him. Micah was in a corner watching in horror. After one really nasty blow he spoke up.
"Stop it!"
He had risen to his full height and almost looked threatening.
"Stay out of this kid." I said.
"At this rate you will only succeed in becoming a murderer and you will have nothing to show for it. Its obvious this guy knows something but this isn't the way to get information."
"Pain is the best solution."
"Of course you think that,you've been trained to think that way. All you understand is point and shoot without contemplating the consequences. You hired me because I'm good with technology but also because I'm a normal human who understands emotions. You can deal with capturing the suspects but it is my job to deal with the questioning."
It was then that I realized that he was the right guy for the job. Even though I worked best with no emotion whatsoever didn't mean the same applied to everyone.
"Lexie?" Micah said.
I froze at the sound of the name that brought back so many unwanted memories and emotions. I turned around and grabbed him by the collar before he had time to blink. I shoved him against the wall and held a knife to his throat.
"Don't you ever call me that or I will murder you and make it look like an accident." I hissed.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!! Please don't hurt me!" He cried.
I released my grip and stowed the knife back up.
"What did you want?" I asked.
He was still trembling and his eyes were watery. I felt bad for almost killing him but I was not going to apologize.
"I-i got us tickets to Germany. Our plane leaves in an hour." He stuttered.
"Good work. Get everything packed we leave out in exactly fifteen minutes."
"Yes ma'am! "

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