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Izuku's pov
My mother hugged me and I cried into her shirt while dropping the bags. She rubbed circles on my back "awe sweetie what's wrong?" My dad heard this and he exited the Kitchen and saw me crying. "Son? What's wrong?" "I'm- I'm sorry!!" "For what baby?" My mother said I pulled back and looked at them both before stuttering out " I- I think I killed someone. It was on accident they were stalking me and so I ran into an alley to call someone for help but I didn't have my phone on me and they jumped down behind me but before they could touch me I tased them and didn't check the voltage I'm sorry. I didn't mean to kill them!!" "Son, it's okay you're not in trouble at all. Did you see the person?" "N-no I just ran in fear" "How would you describe their voice?" "Not too deep but not too squeaky more like a raspy kind" "is it okay if you give me the taser?" I pulled out my taser and gave it to him "I'm sorry dad" "stop apologizing it's not your fault you did what your instincts told you to do out of defense. It's alright. Where were you before you ran?" "I think I was in-between bens bakery shop and Anne's animal shelter" my dad nodded and loaded his gun and walked out the door. I looked at my mother who offered another hug which I gladly took.

Tomura's pov
After my nap I woke up, took a shower, got changed and knocked on Izuku's closed door. "Izuku, I'm sorry can I come in?" No response so I tried again "listen I'm gonna go watch stars with Toga... You remember her right, you wanna go too?" No response. I twisted the door knob and opened it and turned on the lights to see that I've been talking to nobody but he left his phone which was blowing up with notifications, I saw one random number that texted ' You don't see me but I'm watching you' it was sent thirty minutes ago, I ignored it as one of his friends playing a prank on him. I laid his phone back down and left his room and went back to mine to call Toga. "Yo Vampire... Izuku with you?" "No, I haven't heard from him since we were seven" I hung up after that and tried all of his friends just for them to tell me the same answer "No". At this point I was getting frustrated until I heard the front door open then shut, I left my room and that's when I heard him breaking down and talking about him being alone, stalked, and how he thinks he killed someone. Me and my dad made eye contact before he left. ' my baby brother is being watched!?' I felt my heart ache at the thought of him being taken away by an kidnapper or a police guy if he did kill that guy. My mind was telling me to find the idiot and kill him with my bare hands. I walked quietly back to my room, quietly shut the door and I slid down the door with my head in my hands.

Izuku's pov
My mother calmed me down and my mind was telling me if I should or shouldn't tell Tomura. He's my older brother and he swore to protect me but then again I made him mad and he may still be upset with me, I decided against it and walked back to my room and put my bags by the side of my bed, I took off my skirt and replaced it with baby blue pajama pants and I took off my shirt and bra and replaced them with a black sports bra, I picked up my dirty clothes and placed them in a dirty basket. I turned my lights to dim, put my fan on a medium setting and climbed under my covers and went to sleep.

Hisashi's pov
I walked away and called the police and they answered "Another criminal Hisashi?" "No a stalker watching my son tried to kidnap him, my son forgot to check the voltage on his taser and believed he killed the guy, I'm near the location now" "okay"

All my sensei's Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin