Chapter Thirteen: Floor Pt.2

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March 22nd, 1967

The Curtis brothers have finally arrived at the renovation center, in order for them to get a new floor model for their bathroom.

"Wow." Ponyboy said as they all walked in. "This center is huge!"

"That's renovation for you." Darryl replied. "Alright, the floor models should be down- that way." He pointed a finger that headed up north. "I've heard great things about these models."

They walked in the aisle where the floor models were, and they were deciding on which one would be the best.

"How about this one?" Pony asked as he showed Soda and Darryl an blue floorboard with white flowers.

"It's." Soda replied. "Nice?"

"What's wrong with it?" Ponyboy asked.

"It's 80 dollars." Darryl announced.

"How about this one?" Darryl pointed to. It was yellow and white with red stripes "it's $10."

"Alright, we'll buy this one." Soda replied.

They bought the floor model and went home.

They attached to it to the bathroom floor, and was very happy with an new view of the bathroom floor.

"It's very nice!" Ponyboy said.

"Yep." Darryl replied.

Our Future Begins Here (Sequel of WTTBF: Outsiders) (On Hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora