"For the most part. For the first few years, Director Dracula traveled to many universes to search for those he deemed worthy of overlooking the Multiverse of a specific strand." VEGA replied.

Dracula stroked his chin as he asked, "And whose strand would that be?" What he got was VEGA glitching a bit as he said in a automated way, "I am sorry but that information is classified for those with level clearance Beta and above."

Willow took deep breaths before glaring at VEGA, "Where is he!?"


Lisa in an attempt to calm down Willow asked, "If I know my husband as well as I do, I can only assume this version of him will be allocating some resources to keeping an eye out for Willow, is that correct?"

Willow, now catching on, asked, "VEGA, do you have a directive to monitor me specifically and to inform my husband, your boss of when I entered the multiverse or even any facilities?" She asked, hope clearly in her voice.

"Correct. However, the directive has not been activated. I will attempt to rectify this. In the meantime, I will be putting on a series of videos from Ace's early days of his presentation on alien species." VEGA said to which everyone's heads perked up.

"Aliens? What is that?" Trevor asked.

"Another term would be Extra-Terrestrials. Or beings from another planet."

"Presentations of beings from another world!? Oh put it on! Put it on!" Hector shouted, excited to see what type of creatures they would see.

Sypha and Morana soon joined as they shouted, "Yes! Get on with it!"

That's when the screen darkened.

A nervous and younger version of Ace Berkeley appeared on screen. "Oh hello! I'm Ace Berkeley." He had longer and shaggier hair while wearing large framed glasses. He was clean shaven with brown eyes.

A voice from away said, "Get on with it, Intern!"

"S-s-sorry, sir!" Ace suddenly became a nervous wreck before clearing his throat. "Um, my presentation is on the various alien species that have been confirmed to exist with corresponding footage added in to correlate with known facts about their biology."

Trevor, Striga, even Lenore tried their best not to laugh while those who knew such things from their time under those with knowledge or teachings.

Leon, as another version of himself, shouted, "Get a haircut, hippie!"

"Your hair is not any better, Leon." Dracula shot at him.

"How did Mr. Berkeley get from that, to how he looks now?" Carmilla asked, bewildered by his appearance.

Lisa nodded in agreement with Carmilla as she said, "Maybe he got hurt during a research trip? Maybe an experiment gone wrong? I mean we don't know his full job history or how the D.A.C.A. works."

"Now our first alien species will be on a species that is known to hunt their prey and search for the strongest species they can find. Many attempts to gain their technology have ended in failure as they mask their presence very well. What we do know is that they're known as the Yautja." Ace said, before looking at the paper. "I pronounced that right, didn't I?"

Hector, well EVERYONE who was a scholar was on the edge of their seats. "It's alright if you mess up every so often but right now we would like to know more, please!" Shouted Morana as she and Sypha, now seated side by side, had notepads out ready to write down everything.

Ace then clicked a button and the screen behind him revealed the Yautja from the South American jungle. "The Yautja are remarkably humanoid in appearance, but their skin is more leathery with dreads for hair. Many who have studied the species believes that their DNA is a mixture of both reptile and feline due to spots and stripes present on the skin."

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