ii. a moment of clarity

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:: ii. | a moment of clarity

It hadn't even been a week, maybe three days tops. During those three days there was the glee auditions, more fighting with her mom, defending her mom from her dad, and the stupid cheerios. Now, she calls them stupid because since she's started McKinley they always ask her to join the squad and just like all the time, her answer is no.

Today though, today was going to be a bit different because it was the first day of glee rehearsal and she was utterly nervous. She still couldn't believe that she got in but it made sense because she sang a bilingual song —— so she definitely knew that was part of the reason but she didn't care because she got in.

Rehearsal was after school that day and she didn't need to worry about her mom because her mom was working late anyway. She walked down that vacant hall and headed towards the music room. Once she approached the closed door, her hand met the knob and she twisted it. She walked on in and was met with a bunch of new faces that she swore she's never seen till this very moment . . maybe except one in particular.

"Great! Another one! I think it's best if we start with introductions. I'm Mr. Schuester."

And then it went around to Rachel, Mercedes, Kurt, Finn, Artie, and Tina.

The one face she definitely recognized was Finn's. He was the quarterback of the school and taking that into consideration, she thought it was a bit suspicious that he was there because as far as of the jocks at the school, they wouldn't be caught dead in a club like this.

Though as she went to take a seat, she realized she was the last to introduce herself. After placing her bag down, she stood back up, "I'm Rebecca."

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