Self hate ~ Charles

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After the win today I just wanna Party as hard as possible. It's good to be back on the podium as a winner and not as second or worst third. I am now 5 points behind Max. The Redbulls are so fucking strong but my team will do anything to be better.

I was about to go to the bathroom when I saw y/n standing in front of the bedroom mirror. She was only in underwear. I sneak in the room and walk from behind to her. She sees me in the reflection and smiles. My arms go around her waistline. I press her small body against mine. On her cheek I place small kisses so her head falls back on my shoulders.

„Charles" she whispers in my ear. Y/n turns around so that we face at each other.
„I need to change!" she giggle's.
„I can help you! I am very good at it." a wisp of hair falls in her face and I place it behind her ear. She kiss me on the lips takes her dress and went to the bathroom. On the way she grins at me.
My body dosen't move a centimeter. I see myself in the mirror. It is strange to see myself. I look up and down on me. It's like a strange person standing in front of me. I hate everything about it.

The bathroom door opens and y/n steps out with a tight long black dress. My view now is on her again.
„Wow" I say without hesitation. She walks towards me and her arms go around my neck.
„You like it?" I smell her sweet parfume.
„I love it!" My eyes went up and down on her. I wanted her so badly right now. But we need to leave for the party.

On the way we picked up my brother Arthur who is also coming. Arthur sits in the back of my Alfa Romeo. Next to me sits y/n my passenger princess. My hands are on her soft thigh. She takes a lipstick out of her little bag and drops the travel mirror down . She opens the lipstick and put some on her lips. The red color fits her dress and after putting it on she twist her lips to blur the color. I want these lips on mine. I want to take her.

„Bro please eyes on the road!" Arthur hisses from behind. The traffic light was red and I need to brake very badly.
„Sorry. Everyone okay?" I look at y/n and Arthur but can't see any injuries.
„Yes. But please take your eyes off y/n if your driving." Arthur was a bit pale. Y/n laughed and said „yes I am okay" My brother just rolling his eyes.
„What's with your gf?" I ask him
„She is in Germany. Visiting her friends and family" Arthur can't see other couples if his gf is not around. He always gets a bit salty. But if his girlfriend is around he is the sweetest and happiest person ever.

We arrive at the party location and a security guy lead's us to the vip entrance. The music is good and a lot of people are here. I expected Austrian yodel music but instead it is American rap and pop. I take my hand behind y/n back and we make our way to the other f1 drivers. Lando is standing next to the DJ with a drink and Max is at the bar taking shots with other drivers.
„I will bring us some drinks" I say in y/n ears because the music is so loud. She nods and comes up to my ears to say something. Y/n opens her mouth but before she can say anything I interrupt her „Margarita with two slices of lime" She smiles and nods. It's her favorite drink every time we are out she orders a magerita with two slices lemon. On our first date they brought her only one lime and she was pissed. She was cursing over the waiters and I found it very cute.

The party is buzzing and a lot of alcohol is involved. I am on a small table with Max and Lando. We take a lot of shots and I can see everything spinning but I don't wanna stop because the alcohol gives me a good feeling. Y/n was at the bar talking with some of the drivers girlfriends. They probably talk about shoes and make up. I want to be with my friends celebrate and not talking about girl stuff. Max and I are enemies on track but off track we are good friends. Max gets much hate for no reason. They all see him as villain. He wins many races which pisses off many fans and ofc me too. I get it that the sport gets boring when always the same person wins but they don't understand what it means to us. Max is actually a funny person who you can spent time with in your freetime.

„Ey mate there are some fans who wants pictures with us!" a completely drunk  Max Verstappen screams in my ear.
Lando who is also wasted points over to some girl „They are also very hot girl there" I look over to them and see a blond girl who waves at me. She looks good not gonna lie.
„Okay let's go" I didn't want to go there but the alcohol in me was quicker. We walk over to them. Next to me is that blond good looking girl. One of my arms are pulling her closer to me. She touches my chest and I look at her. She grins with a  mischief  look at me. The mischief looks does something to me. It turned me on.

„What the fuck!" Y/n suddenly stands in front of us „back the fuck off" y/n pushes her away from me. The blond girl look up and down on her. She walks away and as she walks she turns around and winks at me. Y/n clearly saw that. Y/n put out her middl finger and waves to her.
„What's wrong with you!" I never seen her like that screaming at me.
„Relax babe nothing happened she was just a fan you know how they are" I step closer to her my hands on her arms. She slaps them away the second I touched her skin.
„Yes because I stepped in. I don't wanna know what would have happened if I wasn't there!" some of the people are looking at us. I notice it and look around.
„Whatever" I wanna grab her to go outside but she wasn't done.
„Whatever? Your such a dick! I don't wanna see you!" her words are a stab in my heart. My eyes are wide open. Wait did she just broke up with me? No!
„Y/n stop being like this!" I look at her and she has tears in her eyes.
„Stop being like what?" she look deep in my eyes waiting for a answer. Without thinking I say to her „Stop being so bitchy!" fuck what did I say. I realize that I just made the biggest mistake in my life.
She swallows not saying anything. We look at each other. Tears are falling down her face like no tomorrow. It brakes my heart to see her like that.
She runs away fighting to get through the crowd. People are standing around me looking at me. I ignore them. I run after her but before I can get to her a massive hand stops me.
„Leaver her alone before you making things worst!" Carlos holds me back.
„No! You don't understand.Carlos I need to.." I wanna explain to him but I couldn't finish me sentence. The alcohol wants to get out of my body.
Carlos looks at me „I saw what happened! Your fucking drunk. You need to go before someone is taking pictures."
He is right. I cannot apologize to y/n under these conditions. Things will getting worse.
I see Lando running after y/n.
I am such a fucking loser. What is wrong with me.

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