I nod, "Then we should, too."

The two of us walk down the street, and people watch us curiously. I notice that they don't whisper or yell at us like other villagers. They keep to themselves and move on quickly.

"This town seems peaceful," I say.

"It is."

We walk into the inn. Jaskier is already dancing around with his lute, singing the new song he's been working on. Ciri is sitting at a table and waves us over as soon as she sees us. The Witcher and I sit with her, and she gives me a smile.

Jaskier sets his lute down in the empty chair in front of me. There's a band in the back of the room that continue playing their instruments. Jaskier bows and holds his hand out to me, "May I have this dance."


Ciri hits me in the shoulder, "Go dance! Have fun!"

Jaskier is still bowing. "I'm not moving until you agree to dance with me."

I roll my eyes. The bard is too stubborn for his own good. I slide my sword out and rest it on the table, "Don't let anyone steal my sword."

I take Jaskier's hand, and he drags me to the center of the room where other people are dancing. The two of us dance, trying to avoid the drunk couples around us. A man next to us spills his drink all over the woman he's with. She lets out a laugh and continues dancing.

Jaskier spins me around, "You look like you might actually be enjoying yourself, Maneater."

"I haven't danced in years, I forgot how fun it was," I answer.

We continue dancing until the music slowly dies off. The band announces that they're taking a break, so Jaskier and I sit down with the others. Ciri smiles brightly, "I didn't know you could dance so well, (Y/n)!"

"I used to sneak out to go dancing when I was your age," I say, shrugging.

Jaskier downs a glass of ale and kneels down in between Ciri and I, "You two beautiful ladies should be having fun. Not sitting in the corner with the grumpy Witcher!"

The music starts back up, and Ciri grabs my hand. "Let's dance!"

Ciri is a much more graceful dancer than Jaskier. Most likely from being raised as a princess. As we're dancing, I notice a boy Ciri's age is looking at her.

"That boy over there has been staring at you since we started dancing," I whisper.

She looks behind me at the boy and smiles, "He's cute."

I pull away from her with a smirk. "You should ask him to dance."

"I think I will," she says.

I nod, "I'll be in the corner with the grumpy Witcher if you need me."

She smiles and walks over to the boy. I make my way back to the table and look around in confusion, "Where's Jaskier?"

"Miss me?" a familiar voice asks.

I roll my eyes as Jaskier sets three glasses of ale down. "You wish."

Jaskier pushes me to the seat between him and Geralt. I sit down, making sure to scoot away from the Witcher. Jaskier laughs, "He's not going to infect you."

I grab a glass and start drinking, my eyes watching Ciri carefully. Jaskier sighs, "Have you grown soft, Maneater?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You watch over Ciri like an anxious mother. Even Geralt isn't this protective over her."

I set my drink down, "Women always watch over each other."

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