18. Kiss it Better

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They stopped for the night and were sleeping under the stars. Aemon had gave Vaera his favorite books for the journey. Daeron gave her a bottle of half drunk wine and she gave Aerion the middle finger as he headed off to Lys. He blamed her new boyfriend for his woes. But of course he did, Aerion would never take any responsibility for anything. 

Dunk wrapped his arms around vaera, kissing her neck. Aegon thought this was great. Dunk would be his brother.

"When are you two getting married?" Aegon questioned. Dunk chuckled, looking to Vaera as she stroked the fire.

"You are getting ahead of yourself kid." Dunk corrected

"But you like my vaera and my vaera likes you. Whats wrong?" Aegon countered

"Your father for one would never allow it." Dunk remarked.

"Who cares about him?" Aegon corrected. "Vaera went against his wishes to come with us!" Aegon reminded him.

"Hes the kings brother. Your sister isnt just some fair maiden that has stolen my willing heart she is also the princess." Dunk reminded him.

"I know. I am a prince. Recall." Aegon sassed.

The farther they got from any lands that the Targaryen's had claim over the more Vaera and Aegon felt like normal kids. Normal was an obscure thing for royals. But with Dunk they got a normal life. 

Vaera led Dunk to the water and the night gaze them the cover of darkness as she striped her clothes, he watched her move to the water luring him like a mistress of the sea. Dunk kicked off his boots tugging off his clothes chasing after her. He picked her up spinning her around as he moved into the water. He walked them deeper and her arms and legs wrapped around him. 

"Thank you." Vaera whispered kissing him as the waves crashed gently around them. 

"Why do I get a thank you?" Dunk questioned kissing along her neck. 

"For saving us from that place. Giving us a fresh start. For being a good man for Aegon to look up to." Vaera offered tracing a hand over his face. 

"Thank you for coming with." Dunk countered his hands held to her ass as her hips swayed into him. "Thank you for not giving up on me, for choosing me when you could literally have anyone." 

"The moment I met you, I knew there was no one else." Vaera corrected as though it were obvious. With a moan of surrender, he parted his lips, touching his tongue to her for only a moment before taking control.

 They both groaned when their mouths collided. It started off slow and hard, but quickly her hands scraped up his chest, pushing water out of the way as their bodies crashed into each other, vaera's hands moved into his hair, holding him to her. Every part of her body ached with the need to be touched. To touch him. Her whole body throbbed with want when Aegon came running into the water, little naked ass ruining their romantic moment. 

"Dunk, let me stand on your shoulders so I can jump in and make a big splash!" Aegon requested already trying to climb him. 


"He's quite wonderful." Vaera remarked. 

"A knight, and that little boy is yours? So precious." 

"My little Egg, he's my little brother but I have adopted him as my son." Vaera agreed smiling. "And Dunk is a knight, he is a hedge knight, I dont remember if he gained his full knighthood or not but i like that he's a hedge knight." 

"Hedge knight?" The women questioned confused. "LIke the wanna be knights?" 

"No, like real knights." Vaera corrected. "They might be the only knights that truly remember their vows." 

"Alright where is this man?" 

"When's the wedding?"  another woman questioned. 

"He went out." Vaera offered glancing to the door. "Him and Egg always have a grand time on their little adventures." 

Dunk was reeling, dripping mud, with water pouring from the breath holes in his dinted helm, but he was standing. He sucked down air. His battered shield still clung to his left arm, but his scabbard was empty and his sword was gone. 

There was blood inside his helm as well as water. When he tried to shift his weight, his ankle sent a lance of pain right up his leg. Both horses had struggled back to their feet, he saw. He turned his head, squinting one-eyed through a veil of blood, searching for his foe. Gone, he thought, he's drowned, or Thunder crushed his skull in. 

"Vaera is going to pissed if you come home bloody again!" Aegon called out. Dunk spit blood on the ground. 

Ser Lucas burst up out of the water right in front of him, sword in hand. He struck Dunk's neck a savage blow, and only the thickness of his gorget kept his head upon his shoulders. He had no blade to answer with, only his shield.

"Really pissed if you lose your head!" Aegon added. 

"Not helping Egg." Dunk grumbled. 

When Dunk and Aegon got to the inn that night Vaera had made a few friends, of course she did. She was laughing with a group of women when Dunk came back bloody.  Vaera jumped up running to him. 

"Dunk!" Vaera shouted. "What in seven hells..." she touched him gently taking in the damage.  "You are always getting Into fights Dunk." Vaera whispered kissing him.

"Good thing I have you to kiss it better." 

Willing Heart / Ser Duncan the Tall / Vaera TargaryenUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum