17. Bargain

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Dance Away my broken heart / Podrick Payne out now!!!

Dragonflies or Dragons?

Dunk looked to Vaera, she smiled back at him, did she want him to stay?

A few days ago he would have answered at once. It was all he had ever dreamed, but now that the prospect was at hand it frightened him.

"Just before Prince Baelor died, I swore to be his man." Dunk informed them.

"Presumptuous of you," said Maekar. "What did he say?"

"That the realm needed good men." Dunk answered.

"That's true enough. What of it?"

"I will take your son as squire, Your Grace, but not at Summerhall. Not for a year or two. He's seen sufficient of castles, I would judge. I'll have him only if I can take him on the road with me." Dunk pointed to old Chestnut. "He'll ride my stot, wear my old cloak, and he'll keep my sword sharp and my mail scoured." Vaera chuckled as Aegon nodded jumping up and down. Her baby brother found a good man to look up to. Vaera knew the castle had few good men left.

"We'll sleep in inns and stables, and now and again in the halls of some landed knight or lesser lordling, and maybe under trees when we must." Dunk remarked. Prince Maekar gave him an incredulous look.

"Did the trial addle your wits, man? Aegon is a prince of the realm. The blood of the dragon. Princes are not made for sleeping in ditches and eating hard salt beef." Maekar saw Dunk hesitate. "What is it you're afraid to tell me? Say what you will, ser."

"Daeron never slept in a ditch, I'll wager," Dunk said, very quietly, "and all the beef that Aerion ever ate was thick and rare and bloody, like as not." Maekar Targaryen, Prince of Summerhall, regarded Dunk of Flea Bottom for a long time, their titles were something that Maekar valued. Dunk glanced to Vaera, she wasnt one for titles, she was one for good men, for family, for men of honor and making her little brother happy.

"I would never think myself worthy of the honor of your daughter," Dunk remarked. "Worthy of you Vaera... But if you welcomed me into your court, I would make a possible candidate, a reputable match for your daughter..." he debated it.

"No you wouldnt." Maekar corrected.

"Yes he would." Vaera corrected without hesitation. Maekars gaze shifted to her.

Maekar jaw working silently beneath his silvery beard. Finally he turned and walked away, never speaking a word. Dunk heard him riding off with his men. Vaera and Aegon were guided away and Dunk felt hopeless. He didnt even get to say goodbye, to say thank you.

Dunk took a celebratory drink alone that night swirling the amber liquid in his cup. When they were gone, there was no sound but the faint thrum of the dragonfly's wings as it skimmed across the water.

"Father," Vaera begged.

"It is a mockery." Maekar corrected.

"He is a good man, he won the trial of the seven." Vaera reminded him.

"And he was rewarded. His crimes pardoned." Maekar reminded his daughter stubbornly.

"Father, Aegon adores him." Vaera reminded him.

"Aye and?"

"You failed with half of your sons." Vaera said bluntly. "Aemon will never inherit anything, he is training to be a maester. He is a good son, a great man, and brother!" Vaera assured. "But I think mother is more responsible for Aemon's goodness." She admitted. Maekar shook his head, huffing out a breath. "Daeron will drink himself to death. Aerion would sooner burn the world to the ground before he got there. Aegon needs to learn from a good man how to be a good man!"

"And what do you think of me, daughter?" Maekar questioned.

"You are foolish if you dont let Aegon do this." Vaera offered softly. "When was the last time you came across a good man? An honorable man?" Vaera questioned and Maekar hesitated. "You know the boys accusations were bullshit." Vaera declared. "Dunk still fought honorably. Please father, you know Aegon will love this."

"and what of you? What are you bargaining for this?" Maekar questioned.

"Bargaining?" Vaera countered confused.

"Aye." Maekar agreed.

"I dont understand, just do it out of the goodness of your heart." Vaera demanded.

"Aegon will go with this Ser Duncan and you find yourself a good, honorable husband. You will continue the line and-"

"Father!" Vaera whined. "I dont want a husband-"

"You will do this if you want Aegon to go on this little adventure." Maekar corrected. "How badly does Aegon want this?"

Aegon came the next morning, just as the sun was coming up. He wore old boots, brown breeches, a brown wool tunic, and an old traveler's cloak.

"My lord father says I am to serve you." Aegon remarked. Dunk's gaze shifted to vaera and back to Aegon as she ran a hand over his bald head.

"Serve you, ser," Dunk reminded him. "You can start by saddling the horses. Chestnut is yours, treat her kindly. I don't want to find you on Thunder unless I put you there."

"Where are we going, ser?" Aegon asked.  Aegon went to get the saddles. vaera followed behind him, walking side by side with Dunk. Dunk thought for a moment.

"I have never been over the Red Mountains. Would you like to have a look at Dorne?" Egg grinned.

"I agree to these conditions under one added condition!" Aegon declared. "Vaera."

"Yes love?" Vaera answered.

"I want you to come with us." Aegon remarked. Maekar stared down at them.

"Vaera-" He warned.

"We did have a deal," Vaera offered with a smirk. "I'm going with Aegon, if we happen to get lost on the way home, dont send out a search party for us." Vaera called up to him. Aegon jumped up pumping his fists in the air.

"Vaera!" Maekar demanded.

"You said a good and honorable man," vaera reminded him. "Is that not what I said about a million times about Ser Dunk?" Vaera corrected. "Aegon get my horse, we are going on an adventure."

"VAERA!" Maekar shouted.

"I'm fulfilling my end of the bargain." she answered sweetly as she blew him a kiss.

Willing Heart / Ser Duncan the Tall / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now