Anywhere but here

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Agent Brown woke up in the SHIELD Helicarier, as she opened her eyes and slowly takes in everything, she realized that she is somewhere she doesnt want to be and she's feeling beat up too. She ruffled off her bed without noticing that she was hooked to an IV causing it to rip from her arm and there's blood spilling everywhere.. Agent Brown was immidiately attended by the doctor on duty who tried to help her from letting the situation get worst...

"Agent Brown, I'm Doctor Jean Kelsey and you are aboard SHIELD Helicarrier, you were rescued from SHIELD London headquarters and we are patching you up... please calm down and let me help you with that" Dr Kelsey pertains to the bleeding IV site as she says it.

"Why here? You could have taken me to the London HQ medic, How long was I out? and I can take care of myself Dr. Kelsey" At last the young blonde agent spoke up...she immidiately puts pressure on her IV site as she ask the doctor.

"I dont have clearance to those informations but all I can say is, there is no more Headqauters in London....You will be debriefed agent but only after I clear you from here.. so if you want answers, please cooperate and let me patch you up and so I can send you to him immediately...It's been 5 hours since we rescued you Agent Brown"

Emma calmed down after hearing what the doctor said, she looked around once more and checked her body for any injuries while she sat back down on the bed....Emma noticed she was in a hospital gown, and her old clothes are neatly folded on the bedside table.. She reached out to take her phone to check for messages or calls she missed but her phone is dead.. She wants to get away from there as fast as she can so the only way for that is to let them help her so she can be sent to whomever the in-charge is. But something lingered in her mind with what the doctor said, who was the 'Him' doctor Kelsey was referring to, deep inside she already knows, its the Director.......Director Nick Fury..

After a few test and some patching up, she was allowed to change to a SHIELD supply uniform, the kind fresh off the academy agents used.. not her usual go to, but in the other hand, she really didnt have one in London. She was on an undercover mission for 6 months with MI-6 until she was called back to the SHIELD London HQ for a mission report and luck was not on her side as it was the same day HYDRA infiltrated the headquarters..

She change to the uniform provided her, its was labelled S for small, she wanted to ask for an M (medium) because for sure she'd grown a size since she was off the academy, but she didnt, surprisingly S still fits her other than the sleeves being a little tight from lean muscles she developed over the years..She scoffed a little after realizing this.. a little nostalgic she thinks but  didnt want to dwell on it too much.. after changing, she went her way escorted by two SHIELD agents to the Director's office.

"So guys, do I really need to be escorted?"

The two agents didnt answer, they seem nervous and very tensed to even make an eye contact. Emma has always sported a cold- stoic persona, its au natural for her. She ignored the non- reply of the agents but noticed how intimidated they were, everyone seems to be at edge because of what happened in London headquarters which she still don't know the entirety of it... she just let them and went their way.

Emma was feeling excited and nervous at the same time to get a sight of Fury, she can't remember the last time she saw him.  After a couple of minutes of walking, they arrived at the director's office. She was first. escorted to an ante- room and kept her there for a few minutes before the door opened again and the secretary told her that the director is ready for her.. she stood up and made her way in after she heard someone say...

"Come in"

Emma went in with her usual cold ass demeanor and was too tempted to salute in his presence.

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