Chapter Eight

Começar do início

A bemused expression played across my features as I contemplated their seemingly boundless eagerness. To me, the notion of sacrificing precious sleep, only to expend that hard-earned vitality on lectures and study sessions, was a concept that bordered on the absurd.

The allure of waking up early lies in the embrace of the crisp, invigorating morning air, a simple pleasure that never fails to fill me with a sense of joy.

As I strolled serenely, enveloped in the tranquility of my surroundings, an unexpected touch upon my shoulder shattered the peaceful cocoon I had woven. My heart leapt in surprise, and my gaze swiftly pivoted, revealing the countenance of none other than Emily herself.

A mixture of exasperation and shock escaped my lips as I hastily removed my AirPods. "Emily, for goodness sake!" I admonished in a hushed tone, the adrenaline from the sudden encounter still coursing through me. "You nearly gave me a heart attack."

Emily's laughter danced upon the morning breeze as she raised her hand in a gesture of mock innocence. "Oh, come on now," she quipped, her voice infused with amusement. "I was calling out your name for ages."

With a chuckle of my own, I tucked my AirPods away. "My fault for being engrossed in music," I conceded, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of my lips.

Emily shrugged nonchalantly, dismissing my self-blame. "No need to fret over it," she reassured me, her casual demeanor offering a measure of comfort. "Are you prepared to face Mrs. Sinclair after the weekend's escapade?"

My groan was an admission of my trepidation. "Honestly, no," I confessed, a tinge of embarrassment coloring my words. "I can't shake off the mortification. Although, in my defense, who could have possibly known that was her sister?"

A knowing nod accompanied Emily's response, her finger swaying back and forth as she spoke. "Exactly," she affirmed, a hint of solidarity evident in her voice. "Perhaps Mrs. Sinclair has already moved past it."

A nervous chuckle escaped me, the notion of Mrs. Sinclair's forgiveness offering a glimmer of hope. Yet, deep within, a nagging awareness whispered that this weekend's blunder would remain etched in her memory for some time to come.

Amidst the bustling campus atmosphere, Emily and I embarked on a leisurely stroll towards the lecture room, engaged in a lively exchange about our upcoming week's endeavors. As our conversation flowed, the faint hum of my phone signaled an incoming message. With a momentary pause, I retrieved my device to find a text from Mrs. Sinclair, her words beckoning me to her office after the impending class.

Exhaling a somewhat resigned sigh, I tucked my phone away, its presence now a harbinger of what awaited me beyond the lecture. With determined steps, I followed Emily into the lecture room, my mind's gears already shifting towards the imminent test that loomed on the horizon.

Upon crossing the threshold of the room, my gaze was immediately drawn to Mrs. Sinclair, who was poised behind her desk. Her attire, a blend of casual elegance, caught my attention—a pair of black jeans harmonizing with a crisply buttoned-up shirt. Yet, my observations did not halt at her clothing; a subtle detail stirred my awareness. Two buttons on her shirt, nonchalantly undone, introduced a glimpse of décolletage—a fleeting and unintended allure that momentarily captured my gaze.

A flush of embarrassment tinged my cheeks as my eyes involuntarily drifted, my internal voice chastising my audacity. Swiftly, I averted my attention and proceeded to find my seat among the rows of desks, the anticipation of the impending test grounding me in the present moment.

As the minutes ticked by, a subtle shift in the atmosphere heralded Mrs. Sinclair's departure from her desk, her purposeful strides culminating in the gentle closure of the lecture room door. The muffled symphony of shuffling papers and rustling anticipation enveloped the room in an almost tangible anticipation.

Academic Seduction (profxgirl)(wlw)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora