Chapter 2: Let's Go Save Our Friend

Start from the beginning

"You want a Zarg-Nut?" He asked and Peter sighs and takes one. "Thank you." Peter said and eats it as the device beeps and he takes the chip out and puts it back in the container, which now glows green. "First shield set." Peter said into his communicator and Nebula and (y/n) look out the window.

"Three, two, one." Nebula counts down and the ship was able to get through the first set of shields. "Cool!" Meredith whispers, impressed.

"Peter." Mantis said as they go to the second shield engine. "What?" Peter said a she got to work on the engine. "You and (y/n) had family on Earth, and you never wanted to go back to see them?" Mantis asked him. "No, you're my sister and I got my wife and daughter. That's all the family I want or need. Besides, it was really just my grandpa, okay? He was a pretty hard guy." Peter replied as he charges the shield chip.

"Still. Don't you think he..." Mantis said as she looks up at Peter. "What?" Peter asked. "You and (y/n) were abducted by Ravagers the same day he lost his daughter." Mantis said. "Oh, yeah, he was upset. My mom died, he screamed in my face, he pushed me and (y/n) out of the room!" Peter exclaimed.

"He was probably just trying to protect you." Mantis said. "What are you talking about?" Peter asked her, upset, and Mantis seemed taken aback. "What?" She asked. "I'm talking about the people in my life who died, and you're talking about this? Did (y/n) put you up to this?" Peter asked as he finished charging the chip and puts it back in the container while Mantis continues to look at him, confused.

"Second shield set." Peter said into his communicator. "Three, two, one." Nebula said and the ship goes through the second set of shield. "Why would (y/n) put me up to this?" Mantis asked, confused. "Because this is what her and I have been arguing about! She's been wanting to go back to Earth for whatever reason and I said no." Peter said as he goes to the third shield engine.

"Look, I'm only saying, you've never even gone to see if he's okay. He could still be alive." Mantis said. "My grandpa? He'd be, like, 90-something years old." Peter said. "So he could still be alive." Mantis said as Peter grabs the third chip and charges it into his device. "People on Earth die when they're, like, 50." Peter said.

"They die when they're 50?" Mantis asked, concerned. "I don't know. Something like that." Peter brushed off. "What's even the point of being born?" Mantis asked. "Exactly!" Peter said. "Are you about to die?" Mantis asked and Peter looks over at her. "I'm not 50!" Peter shouted and Mantis frowns. "What about (y/n)? Is she...?" She started to ask but Peter talks over her. "No, she's not 50 either." He said as his device beeps.

"The point is, I wasn't talking about any of this." Peter said, annoyed, as he puts the chip back, container glows green and he pulls out the communicator again. "Third shield set." He said. "Three, two, one." Nebula said as the ship goes through the last set of shields.

"Well, not everything is about what you are talking about. And I'm only saying you are upset because so many of the people you cared about have left you and you're worried that (y/n) and Meredith are gonna leave you too..." Mantis said as they walk into another room and Peter presses some buttons as the get into the elevator. "...but you also left someone." Mantis tells Peter as Drax comes around and she turns to him.

"And maybe I wanted a Zarg-Nut!" Mantis said to him, annoyed. "It's too late. They're all gone." Drax said, plainly, and he takes out a Zarg-Nut out of his bag and eats on it. 

Suddenly, the ship starts to shake and electric blue lightning goes around the deck. Nebula, Meredith and (y/n) look around, worried. "Why didn't we go through?" Peter asked through the comms and Nebula and (y/n) looked out through the window. "We did. It's not the shield." (Y/n) replied and Peter, Mantis and Drax make it to the deck to see what they were looking at.

"Oh, hell." Peter said as they see Ravager ships and the leader floating in front of them. "Ravagers." Peter whispers when a female voice speaks through their speakers. "Hey, guys, you're about to be boarded by the United Ravagers. You can surrender and turn over any stuff worth anything and live...or you can die." The female voice said as the Ravager ships surround the Bowie and (y/n) runs over to Peter, Mantis and Drax, Meredith just behind her.

The group then hear a clanging sound behind them as more ships latch on. "Totes up to you." The female voice said and Meredith runs over to (y/n) and grabs her arm in fright as a orange-spark portal opens on one end of the hallway. A amphibian looking alien comes through and opens a few more portals on the side and a few more Ravagers come through and they start to surround the gang.

"Mom! Dad!" Meredith said, fearfully, as Drax gets ready to fight. "Drax, no, no, no, Drax!" Peter shouts as he holds Drax back. "Guys, it's us, Peter and (y/n) Quill, we're one of you, remember?" (Y/n) said as the Ravagers aim their guns at them while she pushes Meredith back behind her and Peter does his best to step in front of his wife and daughter.

"Hold on! We have an appointment!" Nebula shouts as she and Groot run into the room. "We have an appointment." (Y/N) repeated. "With who?" One of the Ravagers asked. "With Gamora." Nebula replied. "With Gamora." Peter said but this makes both him and (y/n) pause and turn to Nebula. "What?" They said as they turn to Nebula, confused.

"You're early." A familiar voice said and some of the Ravagers were pushed aside and Gamora walks through, stepping in front of them. Nebula nods and grunts in greeting at her and Gamora does the same while Peter and (y/n) stare at Gamora in complete shock.

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