coming out

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The game of truth or dare continued, each turn revealing new facets of the students' personalities. The dormitory was aglow with the gentle radiance of fairy lights, enveloping the room in an atmosphere of warmth and connection.

As the rounds progressed, Mina's turn came around once more. A mischievous glint danced in her eyes as she directed her gaze at Bakugo. "Alright, Katchan, truth or dare?"

Bakugo's brow furrowed, a hint of caution in his expression. "Dare, obviously."

Mina's grin broadened, her tone sly. "I dare you to openly admit that you like a girl!"

A complex interplay of defiance and reluctance flickered across Bakugo's features. His eyes darted, torn between his instinctive response and the truth he was determined to keep hidden.

"Yes!" he declared suddenly, then immediately corrected himself. "No!"

Laughter rippled through the room at Bakugo's contradictory reply. Mina, however, was undeterred. "Come on, Katchan! Let it out!"deku said with a hint of sadness that bakugo liked a girl.

Bakugo's jaw clenched, his fingers curling into fists as he stared at the floor. An undercurrent of tension swirled within him, the pressure of the moment threatening to engulf him entirely.

Bakugo's POV

Anxiety churned in my gut, a relentless tempest that sought to strip away the control I so carefully maintained. Mina's dare was deceptively simple, yet the thought of baring my feelings before my friends was enough to trigger a wave of unease.

Vulnerability wasn't my style. I had constructed layers upon layers, projecting an image of unwavering strength. Yet now, I stood at the precipice of revealing a secret that lay nestled within my heart.

Fear coiled around my chest, constricting my breath. I feared judgment, rejection, and the dismantling of the persona I had meticulously crafted.

Drawing in a steadying breath, I shifted my gaze to the faces of my peers. Among them, Deku's eyes held a mixture of encouragement and understanding. His unspoken support was a lifeline, a reminder that I wasn't alone in this.

3erd POV

Taking another deep breath, I summoned the words, my voice wavering as I stumbled over them. "I-I'm... um... I..."

The room hung in suspended silence as I grappled with the weight of my confession. It felt as if time itself had paused, the gravity of the moment palpable.

My gaze remained fixed on the ground, my knuckles white from clenching my fists. Seconds stretched into an eternity, the silence becoming almost suffocating.

And then, with a surge of courage, I managed to speak, my voice trembling but audible. "I... I'm... gay."

The room seemed to hold its breath as my words hung in the air, a fragile thread connecting me to my classmates. The revelation was met with a mix of surprise and uncertainty, the enormity of the confession sinking in.

I dared to lift my gaze, meeting the eyes of those around me. The vulnerability I felt was overpowering, a blend of fear and relief intertwining within me.

Kirishima, ever the steadfast friend, grinned broadly and punched me lightly on the shoulder. "Thanks for sharing, man. We've got your back, no matter what."

The tension in the room began to ease as my friends offered words of support and encouragement. Mina, who had prompted the dare, smiled warmly. "See? We all have our secrets, but that's what makes us human."

Deku's understanding gaze resonated deeply with me. It was a silent reassurance, a connection that transcended words. My heart softened, a weight lifted as I felt the embrace of acceptance.

And as the game carried on, the bonds between classmates grew stronger, the room resounding with laughter and camaraderie. Walls crumbled, unity emerged, and the dormitory became a space of shared experiences and connections.

Laughter and chatter filled the air as the game continued, and the classmates reveled in the newfound openness that had blossomed among them. The moments of vulnerability and shared secrets had forged a deeper bond, creating an unbreakable thread that connected their hearts.

As the night wore on, a jovial atmosphere persisted, casting aside the remnants of discomfort that had once divided them. However, amidst the lighthearted banter, a cloud of awkwardness drifted into the room in the form of Mineta's voice.

"So, uh, how does gay sex work, anyway?"

The sudden shift in tone was palpable. Conversations halted, and all eyes turned to Mineta, a collective incredulity reflected in their expressions. The atmosphere grew heavy with a mixture of surprise and disapproval.

Bakugo's face turned a deep shade of red, his gaze fixed on the ground as if searching for a way to escape the situation. A mixture of frustration and embarrassment churned within him.

In the midst of the uncomfortable silence, Todoroki's voice broke through, his tone firm. "Mineta, that's completely inappropriate. We're not discussing that here."

Iida's voice echoed the sentiment, his expression stern. "This is a place for respectful and meaningful conversations, not crude inquiries."

Mina's voice carried a hint of annoyance. "Seriously, Mineta, read the room."

The collective response seemed to knock some sense into Mineta, who seemed to shrink under the weight of their disapproval. "I-I was just curious..."

Deku, his expression a mixture of empathy and frustration, stepped in. "Mineta, there are appropriate times and places for discussions like this, and this isn't one of them. Let's get back to the game." but then every one say bakugoes red face and couldent help but laugh!

As the room slowly returned to its previous mood, the unity among the classmates remained unshaken. They had weathered the storm of vulnerability and awkwardness, emerging stronger and more connected on the other side.

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