Jaeyun thought in that moment that he was really cute.

"Come on in, Lee Heeseung. You are invited in to my apartment to stay and wait for me."

Heeseung smiled at Jaeyun and rolled up his window. The engine was turned off and he got off the car.

"After you," Heeseung said.

Jaeyun shook his head still chuckling.

They walked in and right from the living room, Heeseung knew how much of a tidy person Jaeyun was. Everything looked as if it had just been cleaned.

"You have a really nice place, Jaeyun," Heeseung voiced.

"Thanks. It's not something I could have afforded during college but my parents insisted I stayed somewhere big enough for me. They somehow found this apartment but it must have looked smaller in the pictures because they thought it was too pricey for the size."

Heeseung laughed, "really?"

"Yeah! I tried telling them but they didn't believe me, they just assumed it was expensive because of the location. Which makes sense, I guess," Jaeyun said smiling.

Jaeyun told Heeseung to make himself comfortable and gave him a glass of water.

"So, I take it your family's economy is good?" Heeseung asked.

"It is right now, but back then my brother chipped in. I'm so grateful for all of what they did for me, just so I could come to study."

"I can relate. I mean, my family didn't buy me a big apartment. But they did support me all through high school and college, so it's thanks to them that I got this good job in the company."

Jaeyun nodded in understanding.

"I'm going to go get ready so we won't be late. It's not until 4 p.m., right?" Jaeyun asked.

"Yes! We have like two hours until it starts, so take your time Jaeyun."

Jaeyun nodded again and left to his room.

There wasn't much Heeseung could do at the moment, so he decided to just lay back and relax a little. Truthfully, he had been working non-stop all week so he could leave an hour early from work just to buy Jaeyun some food.

He smiled reminiscing on it, and how his coworkers asked him why he needed to leave early so badly. He just told them he had promised to pick someone up and then he couldn't hear the end of it with how much they teased him about it.

"Oh~ our Heeseung has a date!"

"You will introduce them to us, won't you?"

"That person must be veeery important if Heeseung is working like this just for them."

And so on.

Just thinking about how his coworkers could react in front of Jaeyun made his insides twist in embarrassment, but he hoped that when he told them it wasn't anything but a friendly date, they took it seriously.

The last thing Heeseung wanted to do was to make Jaeyun feel uncomfortable.

The minutes passed and Heeseung fell asleep unknowingly, definitely due to how much he had worked that week. But he didn't feel tired, his heart was happy knowing he successfully bought Jaeyun food he enjoyed, and now he was just waiting for him to be ready.

Thirty minutes later, Jaeyun walked in the living room and saw a knocked out Heeseung on his couch. He looked so peaceful and gentle when he wasn't making Jaeyun inescapably flustered with his flirting.

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