Chapter 11: My Mother is an Anarchist

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It was a three hour drive in the Skull Auto Car, (or SAC). The SAC was simply a jeep with a cheap makhnovia skull instead of the license plate. Hope was in the trunk, a place usually reserved for securing stolen items. She was staring blankly, occasionally attempting to process this misadventure, what it all meant and if it was all a dream. 

Clearly, it was not a dream (too hopeful of a concept for this situation). Afterwards, the SAC hit a sudden stop, which had Hope jump and hit her head on the trunk door. When the two anarchists opened the trunk, the bright light, glowing and infecting her eyelids from the mystical lands we call the outside, gave Hope a flashbang effect. 

One of them was the Bomber; the other was more complicated. He had a black top hat with the sign "GOLD AND FREEDOM" written on a yellow band. He could be perceived as human until someone looked at his face; he was a bipedal pig. He was dressed in a fancy suit with a yellow I-DID-ASS (not Adidas) logo on his left breast. His tie was made up of soviet money glued together colored in piss yellow. He would not be the first image of an anarchist that would one imagines.

He spoke in a snob piggish voice, "So...what sort of anomaly did you find in the commies' facility?"

The Bomber replied, "Ah, you see - Comrade Schwein. This anomaly is special because it was possibly made by the Americans to replicate the Communists' bio-mechanical weapons made in Chernobyl. "

Schwein simply looked back at Hope, pitiful yet impressed for the Americans while also concerned for their mental health, "They made it out of Leaf and gave it the intelligence of a little brat?" Hope was offended by this comment.

"Well, that's what we gathered, after our hacker boys got through the Soviet's intelligence. There is more of them too!" 

Schwein had to spit after hearing that, "There is MORE?"

Hope - a small child who could be easily angered replied, "I HAVE MY MOMMY AND LITTLE BROTHER IN THIS..." taking a pause trying to figure out what to call this world "ISLAND TOO!"

Schwein chuckled - which was more of a snort if anything, "They gave it a mother and a sibling and had the gall to not give it appropriate education!"

The Bomber in a pitiful attempt of defense for the entity responded, "Relax, its just a...child, entity, thing. Besides, I have to show this thing to the collective of agriculture."

The pig lowered his snorting frenzy, "Alright...alright, I'll go gather up my workers to build another mansion now." Looking back at Hope,  he added, "Wonder how they would respond to this creature's exotic origins." 

The pig walked away left of the SAC, whistling an anarchist song about thriving through economic prosperity in a free market.

The Bomber looked back, "I guess its time to show you what Makhnovia is all about."

Hope had nothing else to do at that point and she got out of the trunk for once. 

...........................................[A few minutes later]......................................................

Finally, they were in Sumy, Makhnovia. Since the USSR had not killed it off already, it had been able to evolve not just in a communal sense, but also in a societal level. Hope did not know of what a society was - she lived in A.aI.R. outside the mainland country of the Peoples Egalitarian Nation of Inner Senius (P.E.N.I.S.)

The city of Sumy was very unique; it was a mix between traditional Ukrainian housing and metal industry. The two elements combined into one: wooden roofs on top of concrete walls and above it metal chimneys spiking black clouds into the evening skies. 

The Bomber noticed Hope's curiosity and astonishment of the architecture, and decided to explain her all about Sumy and MAF, "What you see here, is a site of wonders - the center of free industry." He continued, "The difference between here and the Commies of the Soviet Union is that the soul of morality is not corrupted by power." He then paused, explaining himself a little bit more, "I do believe that anarchy not only helps individualism, but it can also strengthen communities - thus, uniting all in collectivism. However, this area is where most self-defense chemicals are made, an individualist sector in MAF." 

Hope was seven and from an entirely different universe, she did not have a single clue what it all meant. However, not to  sound like a loser (at least in her own mind), she simply said, "When I was alive, there was none of these Commies and it was mostly made up of free individuals." She tried to impress the man who had fifty bombs strapped on his back about freedom, "They also competed to get on somewhere called 'Dream Island', it was where all dreams were made."

After hearing this sentence, the Bomber simply stopped and said, "...Is god real? can't be from the afterlife, are you really from there?", goosebumps having a rave on his body from this revelation.

"Yeah, and before entering this... island, we were flying and had wings attached to us! It is a lot of fun being in A.aI.R. It is the best place in the world!"

The Bomber lost all senses; he only uttered, "So the afterlife IS real!" He started to move again at a quicker pace, filled with joy with for what his legacy will be, "F[ucik] it! Agriculture can wait, I must show you off in the Sacred Tower!"

Hope had accidentally formed a new religion as a young brown leaf.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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