Chapter 16-Shattered Moments

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The electric energy of the Friday night football game was in full swing. Lights illuminating the field, the rhythm of clapping hands, and the roar of the crowd were nearly overwhelming. Sitting amidst the thrum of excitement, I felt a mix of enthusiasm and reluctance. Samantha had lured me here with the promise of a pretzel, and while the idea of salty, buttery goodness was tempting, it was the chance to see Chris that had truly sealed the deal.

"We're here, might as well enjoy it," Samantha teased, nudging me. I smirked, glancing towards the field, my eyes searching for one player in particular - number 21, Chris.

Every time he made a move, I couldn't help but feel a jolt of excitement. There was something about watching him, so skilled and confident, that was captivating. And I admit, seeing him in his football gear was a sight I didn't mind at all.

The third quarter had just started, and Woods High was leading. I was laughing at a joke Samantha made when a collective gasp from the crowd drew my attention back to the field. My heart dropped when I saw Chris on the ground, his leg at an unnatural angle.

Everything became a blur. Whistles blew, players from both teams huddled around Chris, and the murmuring crowd went silent. Time seemed to stand still, and my heart raced. All I could think about was him, lying there, and the pain he must be feeling.

Before I knew it, I was on my feet, moving faster than I thought I could, propelled by a mix of fear and adrenaline. I needed to get to Chris, to see if he was okay, to be there for him. Samantha's voice called out behind me, but it was muffled, distant.

I reached the field's exit just as the ambulance doors closed. I felt helpless, watching it speed away, its piercing sirens fading into the distance. Samantha caught up, her face as pale as mine felt, and she wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

"We need to get to the hospital," I managed to choke out, still in shock.

She nodded, her eyes filled with concern. "We will. Let's go."

That night, what was meant to be a simple game had turned into a whirlwind of emotions. With Chris's well-being at the forefront of my mind, I couldn't help but worry about what the future held.

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