Chapter 1

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Liam Brown's POV

"You're fired," He says impatiently. "What are you still doing here, waiting for a treat? Get out you little son of a bitch!"

To this day, I can still hear the daunting sound of my old boss's rough voice ringing in my ears. It's safe to say I'm having a much better experience with my new job, at Papa Josh's Pizza.


"Hello," I say. "Papa Josh's, what would you like to place an order for?"

My voice seems to be drowned out as I hear a girls' soft, and feathery voice.

"Welcome to Pizza Tee-Pee, what do you want today?"

No. The one place I swore to never talk about - never think about - no. I force myself to stay calm, and professional.

"Pizza Tee-Pee?" I ask.

"Yes. What would you like today?"

Wait. Why was Pizza Tee-Pee calling Papa Josh's?

"This is Papa Josh's, we're not looking to get anything."

"Papa Josh's? Why did you call?"

That girl knows damn well I didn't call. That's not what I'm required to do, I'm supposed to answer calls and take orders. And why the fuck would I ever call that shitty place after everything? Did that girl think I was dumb? Did Pizza Tee-Pee think I was dumb?

"I didn't fucking do anything but pick up! You know, I'm tired of this! Classic Pizza Tee-Pee," I say, my voice getting dangerously low. "Did ya know that you're fucking bastard of a boss fired me from there? YOU DID, DIDN'T YOU? AND THAT'S WHY YOU CALLED, SO I COULD RE-LIVE THAT EMBARRASSMENT!?"

Authors Note:

Hey all! I'm sorry, but many chapters are gonna be this short. It seems like I write a lot when I'm in the middle of it, but when I read it over it's like less than a page- so bare with me please 🩷

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Chapter 2 is out 🩵

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