Family Meetings

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TW this is based on real life experiences

I am happy for now
Till we have that meeting
Then I will have quite the greeting
How can I not lose control
Oh I do not know

Short Poem written by a Iris Parent

Please do not steal
Authors name and any names have been changed to protect the author and there family's privacy
If you are struggling with mental health please talk to someone and get the help
If you need any advice I am here just dm me
This also may be my last poem here unless I find more that I have written
Check out my other books
Emily's Guide to self love (complete)
The man on the rooftop (Complete )
The oldest daughter (In progress)
The traitor and the foreign agent (in progress)
Please let me know if you have any ideas or edits I also accept criticism as it helps me learn and improve

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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