.Fixing Takes Time.

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Donnies P.O.V
Raph has been asleep all day, Leo won't leave his side. Luckily we made it in on time before to much blood was lost.
"Hey Leo, I got you food." I set the plate next to him. "Thanks Don." he mutters, "No problem, you should get some rest dude, hes not dead" Mikey says from the door. "Hate to say this but, Mikeys right" I state. "I got sleep earlier i'll be fine" Leo says. "Then atleast do something he should wake up soon" "I'm not moving." Leo argues. "Fine man, but your missing out on a killer episode of Space Heros!" Mikey exclaims before walking away.

Leos P.O.V
Mikey and Donnie walk out of the lab while I stay sitting next to Raph. I started zoning out when I heard Raphs voice, "Leo?" "Raph! Your awake!" I exclaim. He nods and just stares at me, "Why'd you do it again?" I asked in a low voice. "I think ya know that answer, Leo" He says, I could only nod. "Do you need anything, how do you feel?" "I'm fine, just gotta headache." "Ok, do you want water?" "Leo, i'm fine." "ok, ok, now do you wanna go watch Space Heros or Super Robo Mecha Force?" "Not Space Heros, but SRMF sure." He says, I nod and help him up. We walk to the main room and Raph gets tackled in a hug by Mikey.

Raphs P.O.V
"WHY'D YOU DO THAT MAN!" He shouts holding onto me for dear life. "Sorry Mike." "just don't do it again" He pouts. I sit down next to Donnie, Leo sits on my opposite side, and Mikey sits on the floor infront of me slightly between my legs while watching TV. They don't seem mad at me, if anything worried. "DUDE I HEARD WHAT HAPPENED, RAPH I SWEAR-" "Hey Casey" we all say. He sighs and sits behind me. Now im surrounded by people. "Just don't do it again man, we care about you more than you think." Casey states to which everyone nods and smiles. I only nod, "Promise us." Leo says. "I promise" I say after awhile of hesitation.

Its been a few weeks and whenever I got close to a relapse my brothers and Casey help me through it. They took every blade I had and always try and stay around me, the second parts kinda annoying but thats their problem. They really helped me out and Master Splinter found out after awhile what I did, he talked to me for awhile it was cheesy but good to know he cares. Now my family just gives me stress/rage journals where I write everything thats bothering me down and rip some pages up a bit. I really have the best family.

~487 words~
A/N HOW'D YA LIKE IT, Its short ya but I never wanted it to be long, I will write other books though!

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