My fault

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This chapter will have sh stuff and suicide. So please if you don't feel comfortable skip to the next chapter.

Alex point of view:

Her room was quite big tho. It had a bunch of posters and a bunch of photos of a band which looked quite all the 3 of them. With another girl who I still don't know, she was a blonde tho. Maybe Clara.

I placed Hazel on her bed with pink sheets and pink pillows, cute. I then took her shoes off Bella and Serena were at the door their arms crossed as they looked at my every move. Then I heard them speak German which I didn't quite understand much.

"Ist dieser teuflische Kerl vielleicht?" (Is this maybe devil dude?) Black haired girl said and I looked up at them before earning glares from the both of them "Ich weiß es vielleicht nicht, aber ich mache mir ein wenig Sorgen, dass Hazel buchstäblich wieder trinkt" ( I may not know, but I'm a little worried about Hazel she's literally drinking again) brown hair sighed slowly before she looked at black hair.

"Follow us down stairs" I was told and I did so, not going to lie, for three girls to be alone with an unknown man in their house they're kind of calm. Or maybe used to Hazel bringing boys home. I followed behind them till we made it to their living room. I sat down on the couch as i they just stood there.

"I'm Bella" said the brown haired girl "this is Serena, thought I don't know why I'm telling you so much details we'll just cut through the chase" now Serena took over Bella as she came closer after every word "you, stay, away from Hazel or it won't end very pretty, alright handsome?"

By now Serena was as close to me as if we were going to go kiss any moment now as she kneeled down to my level. Her blue clear eyes just gave her so much power. These two girls were probably older than me and Hazel it feels like it.

I laughed and broke the eye contact. I stood up and watched as Serena looked at my every move. Followed me with her eyes. I now took a look at Bella who still had her arms crossed from earlier. "I would say Hazel is safe with me, so, I quite need some respect from y'all"

Bella made her way running towards me pointing a finger thru my chest. "You.. you have no idea what you just unlocked to her.. so! Saying that she's safe with you! Is just absolute! Bullshit!" Her voice was shaky, but powerful. Serena just scuffed and made her way behind me.

"Safe you say.. safe? We'll see if she still leaves the house. Mr. She's safe with me"

I turned to look in Serena's eyes "just what exactly did I do? Oh my god! She literally got cheated on by Matt! And I came to help.. I took her to one of my clubs and she drank there! What's so bad about this?"

Black hair groaned and sat on the couch frustrated "Was für ein verdammter Schwanz! Alles, was er tut, ist, die Dinge zu ruinieren!" (What a fucking dick! All he does is ruin things!) Bella just grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the house, pushing me off. I never felt a girl's push that powerful. I looked behind me and she stood there.

"What club is this huh? What type of music is there? Now don't tell me it's rock, or something close to that, cause then I'll go kill myself" I looked to the ground and scratched the back of my head. What is it that's related to rock that is bad?

"Bye!" I heard before the door got shut closed in my face.

Just what exactly did I do?

Hazel's point of view:

I woke up in a place. It was bright. All white. No ending. Did I make it? Am I dead already? Then I heard those chuckles. "Clara" I called her name "Hazel" I heard.

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