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"Lisa what did you do?" I ask him

"Well I'll give you a free ride everyday you said you wanted free right?" he asked

"That's not what I meant, and did you say everyday? no it can't be what would other people say? You're a CEO and Im just your employee" I said

"Juest let me give you a ride home this time" he said and i just nods

I put my address on his GPS so and we drove as I looked into the window this not the way to my house we are heading the opposite way.

"This is not the way to my house Lisa I think you missed a turn?" i said

"well before you go let's eat" he said

"wait what? Im not even that hungry" I lied this too much he is driving me home already for sure he wouldn't let me pay

"do you lie that often jennie? awhile ago at the bus stop your stomach is growling and you make too much noise like coughing so that I can't hear your stomach, well nice move but I heard it" he said and here i am embarrassed how many times did i get embarrassed in this day is not normal.

After we ate he drove me home

"Lisa thank you for the ride and food I'll take care of your breakfast tomorrow morning" i said smiling at him

"your always welcome jennie" he said smiling

"well see you tomorrow Lisa you better keep going its already late" I said and he nods, He waited until I got in, he really is something.

The CEO and Secretary KimWhere stories live. Discover now