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"Come here dear, have a seat and drink tea with me" she said I was so damn confused didn't she just want me to deliver her bag? or maybe she was being nice for bringing her bag back my thoughts were cut off when she spoke

"So Jennie where do you live? she asked

"Oh just four blocks away from the company" i said smiling is she interogating me? I am so nervous as hell my hands starting to sweat

"Where are your parents?" she asked again

"My mom is in a province she is a doctor and my father died when I was 5yo" I said

"Oh Im so sorry Jennie I didn't know" she looked at me with a sad eye

"Oh no don't be I barely remembered him since I was just only 5 and I heard that he is a good man." i said

"And you are a good woman Jennie and I like you" she said and I chocked does she wants me we've only met today

"Like me for what Mrs. Manoban? we just met today" I asked

"Dear, even though we've just met I feel in my heart you're a great woman and I like you for Lisa" she blurted out and my eyes bulged out my heart is beating fast is this the reason why she leave her bag at my desk? sneaky Mrs. Manoban

"Im sorry? but Im just his assistant nothing more or less maam" i said

"You know Jennie, I know Lisa very well ever since you work for him he started to smile often which in unusual for us to see cause he is known as a snob CEO and I've heard a lot about you from Chaeng" she laughed at her last statement

"I-uh don't know what to say or to answer what you just have said maam" I laugh awkwardly

"I don't need you to answer me Jennie, you like him don't you? I know I can see it from your eyes they were bright and happy, Just don't stop liking her I want you to love her and take it easy Lisa may not be good at words but I know him and Im proud to say he's my son and to have you as my daughter in law" she said and I was so damn speeachless how could she knew that I liked her son am I that obvious?

"Well thank you for your kind words maam, I'll make sure to like him even more, I better keep going maam thank you for the tea" I bowed and she hugged me

Im on my way home suddenly my I got a messaged

The CEO and Secretary KimWhere stories live. Discover now