Character Information

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Name: Yami Leonora

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Name: Yami Leonora

Age: 38

Height: 6'8

Appearance: White Fluffy hair, White bangs, Black deer like horns, thick eyelashes, Light orange eyes, Button Nose, Small lips, thin eyebrows, Natural Blush, Pale Skin

Weapon: Black and White dual Sais

Power: Yami Has the power of darkness, she can temporally blind anyone at will, as well as hide in the shadows that make her invisible to anyone around the area, however if she is in the shadows, it becomes hard to see around, she can teleport to different shadows as long as Shes seen the place before, in darkness she can see exceptionally well and has perfect hearing.

Back-story: Yami Was originally from Daemos But she was exiled because she raised her son to be 'Feminine' Because she taught him how to read and how to sew wounds and clothes as well as self-defence in secret which she wasn't supposed to know, She had him at 16 years old, She was taught Magic And Potions By Lady Grandma since she was prince Asch's babysitter so he sees her as a mother to him, and because of that she is able to love longer without happing to use magic, once she was exiled she woke up on earth and tried to learn their ways as quickly as possible, most people believed she had Anmisha so she didn't seem to strange.

Job: It took Yami a year or two to learn what it takes normal humans around 20 when she was 34, she decided to become a healer at a local high school as that was her most practiced skill, which lead her to run into ava since she came into med bay after an encounter with some kids, of course Yami being the mother she is, beat the kid up, and I don't mean mentally.

This is her weapon ↓


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