Episode 1: A princes desire

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(I would like to thank CreativeWriterHere01 for helping me get the motivation to finish this chapter a little earlier then I planned, it's a short chapter but it's been awhile since I last updated and wanted to get it up before I forgot I hope you enjoy and make sure to show them and there amazing stories lots of love!)

~Yami POV~

As I woke up I could hear the alarm blaring from one of the neighbouring apartments i tiredly opened my eyes and turned my head around to look at my alarm clock, and seeing that it was 6 a.m I'm guessing it was my friend Ava. I meet Ava a few years ago,shes such a sweet girl, stubborn but sweet,

As I slowly started to get up the Blair's of her alarm disappeared letting me know she turned her alarm off and most likely went right back to sleep but I didn't spend to much time on that thought as I had more important things to think about, like what type of cereal will I eat for breakfast or what chores o had for the day

After I finished getting ready for the day I was about to lock my door behind me as I listened to the daily unintentional rejection, brought to you by my dear friend Ava, and our strange landlord Jake, who for some reason keeps the Keyes to Ava apartment on him 24/7 and no one else's , and yes it was important to point that out.

I could hear Jake trying to talk to hear but she just quickly brushed past him back to her apartment, graves her rubbish bag, then ran to the elevator, He tried his luck one more time, only to be cut off by Ava once again, who said "Sorry! Trash! I'm busy!" Ava rushed into the elevator as it slowly closed its doors.

"Did she just call me trash?"

"Ouch I think so" Jake looked at the door to see you, leaning on the door to your apartment. I heard everything that just happened and would be lying to say that it wasn't entertaining. Jake had always tried his luck with Ava, only to be ignored and rejected as she didn't really understand his way of flirting because honestly he wasn't that good at it,

It was becoming tiresome to see him attempt, fail, and try again. Jake barely realized that every time he tried, he was always rejected and Ava doesn't even realize that he has the hots for her.

I kinda wish he'd stop trying but Jake was either determined, oblivious, or just plain stupid. Then again it could be all of it. Yet, it didn't matter.

"So let me guess, She ignored you again right? I mean she does have a reputation for that but~ lately she only does that to you, then again you have a reputation of failing. Maintaining your streak, I see?" I chuckle kicking off from the door "Better try your luck next time when she'll actually bat an eye at you and if I were you I would try any time except right before her interview " I slyly cooed before walking past feeling proud of your young friend

Now I have to go to the grocery store and buy a lot of snacks because I can tell that sh#ts about to go down today

~Third person POV~

Meanwhile in a random alleyway, a portal opened, and five men with horns emerged. They warily survey their surroundings.

"So, this is E-urth" With jet black hair and white horns, Asch mumbled.

The one with salmon hair and orange horns, Noi screamed. "I'm burning!?"

Another one with dark brown hair and dark blue horns, Rhys eyes widened and turned to Noi. "Noi, what's wrong!?"

"MY SKIN IS ON FIRE! AHHHHH" Noi fell to the ground, the sun's rays piercing his pale skin

One with white hair and greenhorns, Leif stepped up. "Wait, I can–" Suddenly his throat felt tight, and began gasping for air.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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