ꜱᴜɴᴅᴀʏ ᴄʜᴜʀᴄʜ

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Solomon's smile widens. He slides his palm over your thigh. "The fact that it's just you and I over here, while he has to stand there and watch." Your purse your lips, unable to help yourself from glancing over to the lectern, where Simeon stands. He's not looking at you then. His gaze is fixed straight ahead, staring into the distance. You stiffen as Solomon's hand inches higher. Fighting to keep your hands clasped in prayer, you hiss at him quietly, trying not to alet the people around you. "What do you think you're doing?" Solomon chuckles softly, looking straight ahead. "Nothing that Simeon doesn't want to do himself." His fingers slip under the hem of your skirt, and you inhale sharply, feeling your pulse race as he wastes no time, deliberately brushing his fingers over your sensitive spot though the fabric of your underwear. "Stop it," you breathe. Despite yourself, you can feel your panties getting wet, much to Solomon's satisfaction as he feels the dampness on his fingertips. You draw in a sharp breath as he rubs your clit in slow, agonising circles, gradually adding more pressure. Your lace your fingers tighter together till your knuckles turn white. "S—Simeon's an angel. He wouldn't."

"Just because he's an angel, doesn't mean he..."

"This is a church, Solomon." Your voice trembles slightly. He spares you a look from the corner of his eye, shrugging indifferently despite the barely detectable flush growing on his cheeks as he thoroughly enjoys the reactions and the expression you're giving him. "I don't have a religion."  You stifle the whimper that threatens to escape your lips as he stop rubbing your clit and hooks the crotch of your panties aside instead, wasting no time plunging two fingers into your wet heat. You practically arch off of your seat, gasping. "We're in the middle of mass!"

The last part comes out a little too loudly, drawing several eyes toward you. Solomon expertly angles his arm so it's hidden from view. Obviously, even if he claims he has no religion, it wouldn't be good for him to be caught in a place of worship, in the middle of paying respects, with a hand up your skirt doing lewd things. All you can do is shake your head placatingly, plastering a wobbly smile on your face to ward off the concerned looks. Fortunately, it seems to work.

"Doesn't really matter, now does it, love?" Solomon arches a sceptical brow, continuing his ministrations in public with a straight face. "Just look at him now." Unable to help yourself, you tear your eyes away from him. To your surprise, Simeon's intense aqua gaze is locked on you both, burning with concern, confusion, and...envy? You manage a weak smile, the same one you offered to the patrons around you, but it doesn't fool his all-seeing gaze, especially not with the fact that you face is flushed and your chest is rising and falling unnaturally quick. His stone-like expression perfectly masks the roiling jealousy under his skin. He suspected something was off, and this confirms it. As Solomon continues to sneakily finger you while prayers go on, you allow your eyes to flutter shut, having no strength to protest. The moment mass ends, you'll have the sorcerer finish what he started, you think. Sweat beadat your temple, your muscles taut with the release Solomon's dangling over you. It's out of your reach, and he's determined not to give it to you just yet till he proves his point. You shiver as you imagine him making you cum right here, right now. 

You're so lost in your mind, you haven't noticed Simeon has quietly signalled for one of his clergymen to take over the mass, stating that it is an urgent matter. You don't see him quietly slip away from the altar, stealthily making his way down the nave by the side aisles to reach you and Solomon, till he's leaning over you both. Your eyes fly open as you catch his scent, that clean, fresh smell that is unique to only him. Solomon withdraws his hand from under you skirt at once, discreetly wiping his glistening fingers off on his cape.

"S—Simeon?" You ask in surprise, feeling yourself blush hotter. Simeon's heart skips a beat as he looks at you. He can scent your arousal, sharply sweet in the air, but he schools his expression, hand encircling your upper arm. "Come with me," he says in a low voice.

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